On Monday the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity began to provide daily updates on their efforts to address Reemployment Assistance challenges. The State Reemployment Assistance Claims Dashboard is provided below. The information includes the total number of claims submitted, verified, processed, and paid. The Dashboard can be found here.
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) model, which has become the go-to model for coronavirus projections, has once again lowered the projections for Florida. The model now projects that 1,363 Floridians will die from the coronavirus, down from the 4,748 deaths projected less than five days ago. Previous to the 4,748 deaths, the […]
By Jim Turner, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday shook up oversight of the state’s unemployment-compensation system, which has struggled with a massive surge in applications because of economic fallout from the novel coronavirus. DeSantis put Department of Management Services Secretary Jonathan Satter in charge of the troubled CONNECT […]
By Christine Sexton, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — As the number of infections in long-term care facilities approached 1,000, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Monday that the state will begin a push to test nursing home residents and staff members for the novel coronavirus. DeSantis said the state will dispatch 10 four-member teams to […]
Reports indicate that Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, despite a Florida stay-at-home-order, traveled to Atlanta over the Easter weekend and appeared on MSNBC Friday night to continue her criticism of Governor Ron DeSantis. Reports indicate that Atlanta, which is located in Fulton County, has the most coronavirus cases in Georgia. In addition, reports indicate that […]
TR has previously written about when to expect and how to measure the impact of the mitigation actions put in place in Florida to stop the spread of the corona virus. Information from medical experts indicate that the impact of mitigation efforts would be evident in the positive test rates approximately two weeks after the […]
According to experts, the impact of the mitigation actions taken in Florida to address the spread of the coronavirus should began to show up in the tracking numbers this week. Why now? It has been approximately two weeks since Governor DeSantis issued Executive Orders aimed at blunting the spread of the coronavirus. On March 20th […]
By Jim Turner, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — A Tampa Republican lawmaker on Friday called for an audit of the state’s overwhelmed unemployment-compensation system, as work was underway to finalize a paper version of the benefits application. Rep. Jackie Toledo, R-Tampa, wants the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee to audit spending on the Department […]
The past Thursday, Dr. Birx, who serves as the Coronavirus Response Coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force, held a press conference and provided an assessment of how states are handling the battle with the coronavirus. Based on the percentage of COVID-19 tests that come back positive, Dr. Birx identified states that are currently […]
Gov. Ron DeSantis said Wednesday he will issue an executive order calling for Floridians statewide to stay at home, a move that he had been resisting as other states took similar steps because of the novel coronavirus. Read order here. See the list of “Essential Businesses” here. The list is from an earlier Miami Order […]