TPD Officer Shot, Three Suspects At Large

TPD Officer Shot, Three Suspects At Large

A TPD officer has been shot responding to a call on the west side of town. Three suspects are on the run. On Monday, Sept. 25, at approximately 2:30 a.m., officers with the Tallahassee Police Department responded to what was originally reported as a residential burglary in the 2300 block of Sandpiper Street involving multiple […]

Meeting Comments Address West Pensacola, Lake Munson, a Fraternity House, & Firefighter Negotiations

Meeting Comments Address West Pensacola, Lake Munson, a Fraternity House, & Firefighter Negotiations

Provided below are summaries of comments made by citizens at two recent local government meetings. Public Comments at County Commission Meeting During the September 12, 2023 Leon County Commission meeting, a number of Leon County citizens attended to share their concerns and opinions on current issues facing Leon County. A group of Lake Munson residents […]

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: September 13, 2023

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: September 13, 2023

Below are the news briefs from the Tallahassee City Commission meeting that took place on September 13, 2023. The city commission unanimously approved the evaluation committee’s ranking and authorized the City Treasurer-Clerk to negotiate and execute a contract with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company related to actuarial consulting services.  The award is an initial five-year […]

City Commission to Consider Agreement to Co-Locate Greyhound Transit Services

City Commission to Consider Agreement to Co-Locate Greyhound Transit Services

AT the September 13th meeting, the Tallahassee City Commission will consider authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a License Agreement between StarMetro and Greyhound Lines, Inc. (GLI) for co-location and use of public amenities at C.K. Steele Plaza. Previously, GLI approached the City of Tallahassee with a proposal to co-locate at C.K. Steele […]

Tallahassee City Commission to Address Charter Review Process

Tallahassee City Commission to Address Charter Review Process

On September 13th, the Tallahassee City Commission will consider adopting parameters related to initiating a Tallahassee charter review. At its August 21, 2023, meeting, the city commission voted to initiate a charter review process including a charter review committee (CRC) to be appointed with the purpose of bringing recommendations to the City Commission This item […]

Tallahassee Weekly Crime Incident Report: September 3

Tallahassee Weekly Crime Incident Report: September 3

For the week ending September 3, TPD reported 66 crime incidents. This included 27 violent crime incidents which is 26.8% above the average number of violent crime incidents reported on a weekly basis in 2022, which was 21.3. The violent crime incidents included 14 assaults & batteries, 3 sexual batteries, and 8 robberies. TPD reported […]

Idalia Wind Gusts Hit 45 MPH at Tallahassee Airport

Idalia Wind Gusts Hit 45 MPH at Tallahassee Airport

According to, 45 mph wind gusts were recorded at Tallahassee International Airport during Hurricane Idalia which moved through Tallahassee on Wednesday. The profile of wind speeds, provided below, show that top wind gusts were recorded between 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Top sustained winds, between 20-30 mph, were recorded between 6 a.m. […]

Tallahassee Weekly Crime Incident Report: August 27

Tallahassee Weekly Crime Incident Report: August 27

For the August 21-27, TPD reported 59 crime incidents. This included 23 violent crime incidents which is slightly above (8.0%) the average number of violent crime incidents reported on a weekly basis in 2022, which was 21.3. The violent crime incidents included 14 assaults & batteries, 3 sexual batteries, and 3 robberies. TPD reported 36 […]

Tallahassee City Commission Briefs: August 23, 2023

Tallahassee City Commission Briefs: August 23, 2023

Below are the news briefs from the Tallahassee City Commission that took place August 23, 2023. The Commission voted unanimously for the approval to submit a grant application for $5,047,500 for the Capital Cascades Trail Segment 4 project. This project will reduce the impacts of flooding towards Pineview Elementary and a number of homes in […]

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