Tallahassee Reports has obtained a copy of the The Leon County Sales Tax Committee project list with associated priorities and costs. On April 26, the committee took votes that determined the priorities for monies raised by the infrastructure sales tax known as Blueprint. The committee’s objective is to collect public input and make recommendations regarding […]
A lot happened at the CRA Board meeting today. The CRA Board voted to spend almost $200,000 on leasing parking spaces near the Gaines Street corridor and a consultant that will offer a strategic assessment of downtown Tallahassee. The CRA staff said that the parking places would help “support retail development” in the area. Mayor […]
On Thursday, the Citizens Ethics Panel will meet at City Hall to continue to formulate their recommendation on a new ethics policy for the City. The issues scheduled to be discussed are voting conflicts and campaign finance. Voting conflicts are one of the main reasons that the Panel was created by the City Commission. The […]
The Leon County Board of County Commission will have a workshop on Tuesday to address the Fiscal 2014 Budget. After the workshop, the Board will hold their regular commission meeting. Among the issues addressed will be a proposed Infrastructure Agreement related to the Orchard Pond Toll Roads. On Wednesday there is a CRA Board meeting […]
The City of Tallahassee (COT) began installing red light cameras in August of 2010. Like many local governments across Florida and the US, Tallahassee turned to the cameras in the name of safety. But from the beginning, there have been those who have argued that the program violates due process and is designed to turn […]
After two weeks of controversy swirling around allegations that the city of Tallahassee was charging state sales tax on electricity provided to certain customers, Wednesday’s city hall meeting ended with Commissioner Scott Maddox statement of, “We’re not taking candy from babies.” This was in regards to Erwin Jackson who brought the issue to the table […]
A resolution on President Obama’s special task force on gun safety was scheduled to be voted on at tonight’s city commission meeting at the request of Mayor John Marks. However, the item has been deleted. Tallahassee Reports has been told by city staff that the “Mayor has requested the item be removed and brought forward […]
The Citizens Advisory Board for utilities met today at City Hall and discussed the recent controversy over sales tax exemptions on electricity. Dr. Erwin Jackson spoke at the meeting. Reese Goad, head of Business Services, stated that it was not the responsibility of the city to notify citizens and business owners about tax exemptions that […]
During the last City Commission meeting, Dr. Erwin Jackson alerted city commissioners that the City’s utility department was charging state sales tax on electricity provided to certain customers that were exempt from the tax. To make his point, Mr. Jackson showed documentation that included a refund from the city to Mr. Jackson of approximately $5600 […]
The City of Tallahassee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has spent or committed over $27 million to redevelopment activities in two sections of town and the majority of this money has been spent in the last four years. Under Florida law (Chapter 163, Part III), local governments are able to designate areas as community redevelopment areas […]