Better Insurance Without Too Many Lawsuits

For decades, Florida was viewed as one of the worst places to do business, mainly because of our litigious justice system.  We seemed to be stuck on the annual “Judicial Hellholes” list put out every year by the American Tort Reform Association. That all changed in 2023 when Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature […]

Lawsuits Hinder Small Business Start-ups

As an electrical worker early in my career, I am one of those many millions of contract employees out there that waits on a call from a licensed contractor to work for him on the big jobs that bring more sizable income to me and my family.  I am looking forward to the day very soon […]

In the Arena: Interesting Election Facts

In the Arena: Interesting Election Facts

Most party members, whether Democratic or Republican, tend to vote for the head of their ticket for President. There is a defection rate but usually it is in single digits. In Leon County there were 78,207 Democrats who voted, 48,957 Republicans, 28,294 No Party Affiliation (NPA) and, 3,757 minor party voters for a total of […]

Stewart: My Position on City Charter Amendments

Stewart: My Position on City Charter Amendments

Provided below are my positions on the five charter amendments proposed by the Tallahassee City Commission that will be on the November ballot. City Charter Amendment Question 1: Charter Amendment Addressing the Salaries of City Commissioners Shall the Charter of the City of Tallahassee be amended to provide that members of the City Commission be paid […]

Opinion: Hurricane Preparedness

Opinion: Hurricane Preparedness

As we move into these fall months, one major storm is on the way, and there is going to be a lot of talk about Hurricane Preparedness and protecting yourself from storms and storm damage.  That will always lead us to also think about insurance rates going up again. But I keep reading reports from […]

Trickle Down Information

Trickle Down Information

We’ve all heard about “trickle-down economics;” that an individual or corporation’s financial success at the top tends to trickle down on lower rungs of the socio-economic ladder thus benefiting, to some degree, those below.  The metaphoric equivalent is: “A rising tide lifts all boats.”  For conservatives, the efficacy of “Trickle-Down Economics” is not only common […]

The Property Tax Shell Game

The Property Tax Shell Game

By J. Brent Pichard “The art of taxation consists of plucking the goose so as to obtain the most feathers with the least hissing.” ? Jean-Baptiste Colbert The amount of property taxes paid directly by property owners and indirectly by renters and consumers is a function of two components: 1) the market value of each taxable property […]

Stewart: Jack Porter Plays Politics Amid JetBlue Exit

Stewart: Jack Porter Plays Politics Amid JetBlue Exit

It was a sad day for Tallahassee, but a political opportunity for Jack Porter. Hours after Tallahassee received the devastating news about JetBlue pulling out of the Capital City, City Commissioner Jack Porter wasted no time in taking the opportunity to further divide the community and score cheap political points. “This news is really unfortunate— […]

“Atta Boys” For A Local Government Agency

“Atta Boys” For A Local Government Agency

By J. Brent Pichard For an engaged citizenry, healthy skepticism about government in general is prudent.  Why? Because left to its own devices and unchallenged by vigorous public scrutiny, government at all levels will grow and eventually confiscate – one by one – the wealth and liberties of a complacent people. However, when an agency […]

Jon Ausman: Is there a Secret Agent in Tallahassee?

Jon Ausman: Is there a Secret Agent in Tallahassee?

It may be time that Republican County Chair Evan Power publicly declare Leon County Democratic Chair Ryan Ray as their Most Valuable Republican Secret Agent. What facts suggest such a possibility? For the first time going back to the 1980 Presidential elections (this is as far back as I have voter registration records), Democrats have […]

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