A data request submitted by Tallahassee Reports, and quick turn-around from city officials, have led to detailed information on how the City Commissioners obtained an employer paid deferred compensation benefit on the order of $20,000 a year. This is what we know: The benefit was passed on April 13, 2005 by a 4-1 one vote. Those […]
A tip from a frequent reader of this site, followed by a public data request, has revealed interesting information about the benefits that Tallahassee City Commissioners receive for their public service. The salary of City Commissioners has been discussed in public for many years. Since the installation of the full-time Mayor position, the salary of the […]
The Mayor of Tallahassee, John Marks, is currently in Saudi Arabia on a seven day trip to develop business opportunities and exchange ideas. It has been reported that the trip will be at no expense to American taxpayers. However, a discussion with the Mayor’s Office indicated that the Mayor was joined by an administrative assistant and that both the Mayor […]
Travel records provided to tallahasseereports.com show that Mayor Marks has increased the travel billed to the city each year over the last three years. During FY 2006, Mr. Marks was on the road for 29 days at a cost of $16,460, in FY 2007 he was on the road 31 days for a cost of $16,731, […]
On April 6, 2008 the Tallahassee Charter Review Committee began to take votes on recommendations to be forwarded to the City Commission. The Committee voted 5-4 to formally establish the responsibility of the Mayor in area of economic development, regional cooperation efforts, and diplomatic relations. The Committee voted 5-4 to pursue the establishment of an airport […]
Last week tallahasseereports.com posted an article about the City Commission meeting on April 7, 2009 at which there was a discussion regarding Tallahasse’s carbon footprint. tallahasseereports.com has obtained a video of Commissioner Lightsey’s comments. [flashvideo file=”https://tallahasseereports.com/wp-content/uploads/carbonfootprint-lightsey.flv” width=”316″ height=”212″ /] Commissioner Lightsey’s comments during last week’s City Commission meeting. Commissioner Lightsey commented that the City should […]
On Tuesday, April 7, 2009, the Tallahassee City Commission heard a presentation from the head of EPER (the Green Department) entitled “Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan.” You can view the slide presentation here. Among the facts revealed are: The City of Tallahassee has a Carbon Reduction Task Team that investigates the feasibility of implementing policies that reduce carbon […]
On Tuesday, April 7, 2009, the Tallahassee City Commission heard a presentation from the head of EPER (the Green Department) entitled “Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan.” You can view the slide presentation here. Among the facts revealed are: The City of Tallahassee has a Carbon Reduction Task Team that investigates the feasibility of implementing policies that reduce carbon […]
It is time for the City Commission to take concrete steps towards addressing the high electric rates the people of Tallahassee are faced with year after year. tallahasseereports.com has researched and addressed the failure of the City Commission to deal with transmission line problems that plague our connection with Progress Energy and deprives the City of Tallahassee the ability […]