TR has previously written about when to expect and how to measure the impact of the mitigation actions put in place in Florida to stop the spread of the corona virus.
Information from medical experts indicate that the impact of mitigation efforts would be evident in the positive test rates approximately two weeks after the mitigation efforts were put in place.
The table below was constructed using data for the Florida Department of Health to look at the positive test rates of the virus before and after the expected impact of the mitigation efforts.
The assumption is that the expected impact of the mitigation efforts, that began in Florida around March 20th, would be measurable during the first part of April.
Based on this information, the table below compares the positive test rates for Florida and the 25 largest Florida counties up to April 1 (before the impact of mitigation) with the positive test rates reported during the April 2-6 period (expected impact of mitigation).
The analysis shows that the positive test rates in Florida have decreased 1%, 11.4% to 10.4%, during the period from April 2-6 when compared to positive test rates before April 1st.
The analysis shows that 18 of the largest Florida counties have experienced decreases in positive test rates during the period from April 2-6.
Escambia County had the biggest decrease at 6.4% and Collier County had the smallest decrease at 0.5%.
Three of the largest counties in Florida – Orange (2.2%), Hillsborough (2.1), and Pinellas (3.9%)- showed some of the largest declines.
However, seven counties, including Palm Beach and Broward, experienced increases in positive test rates from April 2-6.
TR will update this table on a regular basis.

Wow, just wow. Creative stupidity at its highest level.
Totally agree. While the Chinese stupidly created the COVID19 Wu-ping Cough at the highest levels of government, they could have been more productive creating more food for the hungry, more homes for the homeless, more love for their fellow man.
Now we are stuck with a Beijing Bug in the form of the Yellow Death. Hang in there little guy, we *will* make it through this. No sense in getting angry over something you’re impotent to control.
If someone dies of starvation because they couldnt go to the grocery store: COVID19
If someone dies because their insulin shipment was late due to Flu Manchu: COVID19
If someone dies by smoking due to anxiety over the Shanghai Shivers: COVID19
If someone dies from alcoholism over losing their job to the Wubonic Plague: COVID19
If someone dies of cabin fever boredom due to Genghis Cough: COVID19
Asian Contagion, Pu Pu Pandemic, Teriyaki Terror- it’s no laughing matter how the CDC is padding their numbers to justify their existence, simply by inflating deaths due to the Commie Cold.
TR: zszWhat is the zip code/geographical spread of Leon County positive tests as well as a breakdown by race and age?
Where is Citrus county?
Respectfully, you used a computer to type your comment. Same computer can be used to search for information, or you can use an atlas or encyclopedia.
Citrus County seat is Inverness, largest community is Homosassa Springs.
North of St. Pete, south of Cheifland. As of 2010 Census, population is 141,236.
Citrus County was created in 1887. The Citrus County area was formerly part of Hernando County. It was named for the county’s citrus groves.Citrus production declined dramatically after the “Big Freeze” of 1894-1895: today, citrus is grown on one large grove, Bellamy Grove; additionally, some residents have citrus trees on their personal property.
After the Big Freeze the next major industry was phosphate mining, which continued until World War I. Planned industrial development surrounding the construction of the Cross Florida Barge Canal never came to fruition when the partially-built canal was terminated after environmental opposition.A later attempt to create a port (Port Citrus) from the portion of the canal that was completed resulted in no significant progress and the county voted in 2015 to scuttle the project.
The More You Know.
Covid Tracking Website DELETES Information on Hospitalizations, ICU Patients After TGP Reports Numbers Fall Well Below Model Predictions