The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) – through Richard Corcoran, the Commissioner of Education – has filed an administrative complaint against Leon County Schools principal David Solz for engaging in a sexual relationship with a married teacher who he supervised and for showing preferential treatment to that teacher.

An administrative hearing has been set for July 28 & 29 in Tallahassee.
Solz and the teacher, Brooke Jahn, were eventually married.
The attorney for the FDOE is Ron Weaver and Solz is represented by Stephen Webster. The DOAH judge is Gary Early.
The witness list by the petitioner and Solz is a who’s who of current LCS administrative officials, which includes Superintendent Rocky Hanna.
Others witnesses include Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services Gillian Gregory, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Deana McAllister, Communications Coordinator Chris Petley, and Chief of Safety, Security and Emergency Management John Hunkiar.
The petitioner and respondent witness lists are shown below.
The exhibit lists, also shown below, include statements from seven teachers, six from Gilchrist and one from Fort Braden School.
The exhibit lists includes email from two current LCS Board members, Dee Dee Rasmussen and Alva Striplin.
The complaint, which was filed on September 5, 2019, states that during the 2017/2018 school year Solz engaged in a sexual relationship with a married teacher who reported to Solz.
The complaint also alleges that Solz afforded the teacher with preferential treatment which included providing training not offered or made available to other teachers, traveling with the teacher to at least one school related out of town trip, and relaxing the supervision of students in the teachers class as compared to other teachers.
The complaint states that the sanctions imposed could range from a written reprimand to revoking the educator’s certificate.
Solz was replaced as principal at Gilchrist Elementary in July 2018 less than 24-hours after Tallahassee Reports published a story about an improper relationship between Solz and a married teacher.
Solz was then assigned to administrative duties at district headquarters by Superintendent Hanna and reprimanded for violating the state department of education’s ethics code.
In April 2019 Tallahassee Reports confirmed that officials from the Florida Department of Education Office of Professional Practice Services (PPS) were at Gilchrist Elementary School interviewing teachers about the matter related to Solz.
TR reported that at least eight teachers were scheduled to be interviewed.
One year later, during the July 9, 2019 LCS Board Meeting, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Solz as the new Astoria Park Elementary School principal.
Records show that Solz was notified two months later, on September 5, 2019 that probable cause existed to justify sanctions for his actions as principal and an administrative complaint was filed on the same day.
TR has asked for a comment from Superintendent Hanna and will update story at the appropriate time.




This is hilarious and a waste of taxpayers time. I worked for the district and you would not believe what they let employees get away with. Security and Administration is a big joke.
That is unless Hanna and his HAA HAA money is paying for this man’s high priced attorney. That way Hanna can keep his past behavior out of the public eye.
His lawyer’s name is the same as the criminal defense lawyer representing Paige Carter-Smith in the Federal criminal case. How does a divorced elementary school principal afford that? The lawyer would not be doing this for free, somebody has to be paying him. Solz’s case also was assigned the same DOAH ALJ that presided over Andrew Gillum’s ethics hearing. This is an elementary principal who had an affair, a minor player in mundane trouble, yet so many Tallahassee insiders are involved in this effort to defend him.
I think it’s great news that he has a high quality attorney because that attorney can bring out everything that Rocky Hanna has done that he has gotten away with that has been unethical, immoral, against the educator code of conducts and he’s now going after David for everything that Rocky did as a principal and possibly worse as a teacher when he was at Godby. Rocky has to be on high alert knowing that all of his skeletons will be put on trial.
Just look at his boss, Rocky, who got married just in the nick of time to get elected as a good family man… laughable. Too bad for this gubber, Solz. He should always remember the circumstances he met “Mrs.” right will be the way he loses her… She is obviously a person of virtue.
LCS is morally (Rocky, David, etc.) and operationally (move of David to Astoria, attempted destruction of ACE using funds never intended and failing to notify DOE) corrupt. The board is a damn ship of fools.
Why in the heck does it take 2 years to have a disciplinary hearing? This guy seems to have some major issues, and in any private employment situation, he would be out on his butt. Instead, we the taxpayers get to foot the bill for any sexual harassment claims that result from this fool while the clock keeps ticking.
Besides that, do we want someone who lacks any sort of moral compass running an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL?
You have to take a step back and ask yourself why he was allowed to stay and why was he supported by Rocky and the Board. And why he didn’t take a settlement with DOE. He is very connected and has been a part of things that Rocky and others that sit on the dais don’t want aired. This is not limited to the actions of one principal. Also, look who is on his witness list, people who worked for him and landed better jobs and leadership positions in LCS. They did awful things also to vulnerable children, not just vulnerable employees, to advance their careers, and they were directed to do so by Solz and his backers. I hope and pray some justice is done here. But, given how corrupt the local system is, including DOAH where he will have his hearing, I have little expectation that he will get anything more than a slap on the wrist.
Thank goodness! We finally have some good ole fashioned Leon County School Board corruption for news, just like ancient times before the Kung Flu bomb went off. Thank you TR!!
Administration bullying teachers… NO WAY… ( Insert SCARCASM here)! After teaching 34 yrs I’ll state this happens at every school. There is always one administrator who bullies for a reason.
We had a female admin in St. Lucie county, she would harass teachers for NOT having their shoulders covered in a sundress! Teachers that never took off, never were sick and had perfect attendance.
Another at SLC would bully until we SIDED with her. Happens every single day!
More of As the World Turns in Peyton Place?
Rocky ADMITTED he dated and bullied a teacher into a transfer when he was the Principal of Leon High. I hope he is forced on the record to admit his unethical behavior which is equal to and or worse than what David did. John Hunkiar, given raises by Rocky knows full well Rocky lied to to Federal and State Authorities yet good ole John sits silent about Rocky. Gillian Gregory who stabs everyone in the back… can’t wait to read the record of her misinformation.
Look at this guy. Look up dbag. That’s him.
He’s got a Hanna-do…yuck.
“The exhibit lists includes email from two current LCS Board members, Dee Dee Rasmussen and Alva Striplin.”
This could likely be the most interesting (revealing) evidence of all… on more than one level. I wonder if they’ll be able to secure the CC – and more importantly – the BC recipient data of said emails. Be careful what you ask for…
Do not forget these two ladies on the Board, both single at the time, were dating two single men who worked on Hanna’s top leadership team when he took office in 2016. Inservice education in LCS must be interesting.
How about what Hanna did as principal at Leon High and Darwin Paul at Riley Elem. They had relationships with teachers at their schools. Why did DOE not look at their cases. School Board get ready for law suits.
His name is Karwin Paul and he went before DOE. It took some time but his license was revoked. Now the superintendent as far as I know never went before DOE. He should have! I suppose they have different sets of rules.
OK just one more:
If it looks like its gonna go all the way to Judge Hinkel’s twisted Court dont worry bass hole buddies. The state will settle for an “agreement” with you buddies rather than get spanked like all conservatives get spanked by Hinkle.
OK thats all I’ll shut up now!!!
Good thing Curtis was busy looking for a cloud over the Commission or he may have found himself on one of those witness lists.
Rocky aint gonna like them Republicans messing with his fishing or “Bass Hole Buddy”.
Expect the wrath of the multiple HA HA corporations to descend upon you Republicans. Be afraid very afraid.