The latest information shows 13,014 positive coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Leon County since reporting began. This means there were 26 new cases reported since the last DOH COVID report.

There have been 119 deaths reported in Leon County.
As of November 9th, there were 40 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Leon County. The chart below now shows current hospitalizations rather than cumulative numbers.
The 7- day average positivity rate in Leon County is 5.08%
You can review Leon County trends here.
Positive cases in Florida increased from 843,897 to 847,821 since the last update.
Current hospitalizations decreased from 2,779 to 2,902.
Deaths increased from 17,121 to 17,179.
You can review trends of new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths here.
Previous data tables can be viewed here.

Jim Jones followers also thought government was trying to control them with vaccines….you probably know how that ended.
All of you should read the article at Yes, the flu vaccine could help, at least a little, with COVID-19 (just as it helps a little with common colds), and so could other virus-based vaccines (at least a little). But if someone is taking advantage of this very preliminary research to promote the flu vaccine, especially for profit, shame on them.
With respect to a vaccine, it doesn’t matter to me who the President is, I won’t be taking it. I saw a local commercial several times this weekend that urged people to get a Flu Shot… wait for it… wait for it… because it can “help fight the Coronavirus”. You’d think that would have been national news months ago… hmmmmm.
Beware the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex… and don’t forget your face diaper.
So the lunatics come out again huh ? Where’s your tin foil hat ?
Poor gal… triggered by logic huh? I don’t have a tin foil hat, just a tin foil face diaper.
Invincible Ignorance must give you a warm embrace. What’s your favorite flavor of Kool Aid?
Ah… yet another lovable lemming defending the illusion lollipop they’ve been sucking on for months. You’ll be a blast to watch when reality checks in on you. Hang in there kid… you’ll be ok.