TR’s weekly report (December 27 – January 3) on Leon County COVID cases, hospitalizations, and testing positivity rates is detailed below.
TR’s December 27th weekly report can be reviewed here.
The weekly report, ending January 3rd, shows increases in new cases, positivity rate and hospitalizations.
The Numbers
The Leon County 7-day average (yellow-line) of reported COVID cases moved from 133 cases on December 27th to 198 cases on January 3rd, a 48.9% increase.

The Leon County 7-day average (yellow-line) of reported COVID hospitalizations changed from 69 on December 27th to 99 on January 3rd, a 43.5% increase.

The Leon County 7-day average (yellow line) COVID positivity rate changed from 6.35% on December 27th to 9.98% on January 3rd, a 57.2% increase.

Leon County population is 300,000. When 300,000 vaccines have been offered the mask ordnance is over.
Cases, cases, cases. All from a PCR test that’s been proven to be extremely unreliable for a virus that has not been isolated, which is causing a flu with a 97+% recovery rate. If you are going to report cases, you also need to report mortality rates. Let’s have the truth, the whole truth.
It’s funny how it’s totally fine to use the phrase “UK variant” of Covid but if you say “China Virus” you are considered racist and evil.
*** POC
I’d give you 4, but the “the” is redundant, and in Italian it would probably be “Don Dottore Fauci di Corona” or perhaps “Don Dottore Fauci della Corona”.
Ciao molto bene.? And don’t let the power-mad hypocritical elitist illiberal leftists get you.
How is this possible? We’ve been dutifully wearing our Chicom Face Diaper of submission and worshiping Saint Fauci of DeCorona for months now???!!! Why isn’t the evil unholy virus (over 99% recoverable) destroyed yet??!!! OMG!!! Maybe it’s mutated into another super virus!!!?? The enemedia keeps telling me to hide and destroy my life to stop the unholy evil virus. I know. We need to send Covid Sharia Enforcement Officers out to beat more folks into complying with Saint Fauci’s edicts and our enemedia’s drumbeat of submission. It stopped the plague a few hundred years ago, right?