Leon County government recently informed employees that mandates related to masks and vaccines are no longer being enforced.
The communication from Candice Wilson, Leon County’s Human Resources Director, stated:
“Dear Leon County employee, with the passage of the new bills from the special session of the Florida Legislature the mandates related to masks, medical or religious accommodations and vaccinations are no longer being enforced. This means that employees who were granted an accommodation are no longer required to adhere to the clauses within the approved accommodation.”
Notification to Leon County Employees

The new bills referenced in the notification refer to laws passed during a special session and signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Fourteen county employees were fired as a result of the Leon County vaccine mandate which was announced in July by Leon County Administrator Vince Long.
In October, the Florida Department of Health (DOH) issued a notice of violation to Leon County Government assessing fines totaling $3,570,000 for its violation of the law relating to the ban of vaccine passports.
In response to the DOH fines, Administrator Long vowed to fight back. Long said “there is a genuine disagreement about the applicability of the statute and rule, and the County will enforce its rights using any remedies available at law, if necessary.”
here is no difference in the chaotic testing at famu or at the huntingtom oaks site. We waited 45 minutes and then told we need an appointment. Hundreds of people were turned away We could barely understand the web site. no mention of needing appointments on the portable signs. We made an appointment on line for 6:30 and there were set in 15 minute increments. We arrived and the line was longer than it was in the morning going past starbucks on no monroe. I went to the front of the line and said I have an appt at 6 and was told to get in line because everyone has an appt. liar pants on fire. no way all these cars over a hundred had an appt. there was a traffic jam and only one person checking people in and only several testing. Before there were two lanes of people being checked in and many more people testing. I do not trust the results from this keystone operation and will have it done by a private company. This is what happens when govt tried to do it themselves. turn the covid crisis over to private companies and not allow the govt to do itl
Wake up and get with the program, Sharr…
It is illegal; it was illegal; it’s still illegal… and there will always be new variants popping up. At least until the 2024 elections are over anyway. But you just keep right on playing lab rat for Dr. Fraudci and the Dementia Joe Biden Sadminstration.
This little coward needs to be fired, the 14 employees fired, rehired with retro active back pay and damages, all senior staff that followed orders should also be fired and the commission be voted out of office. What a little punk, having his HR director issue the retraction.
It wasn’t illegal at the time was it? Btw here comes a new variant. Id rather vaccinate
Thank you Gov. DeSantis for holding Leon county accountable. I do hope that the 14 employees fired by Mr. Long seek legal damages from the county.
Where does that leave the Leon/Long 14? Will Vinny “The Tyrant” Long and his bosses on the Board of County Commies be held accountable for their illegal actions against them?
As lifelong Democrat. Is success. Only 14 got away.
So what. Now we give jab to children.
What a fiasco. Totally predictable outcome. I’ll donate to a fund to help sue the crap out of Leon County. These people must receive justice and compensation.
SO, will you now rehire those that you Fired AND give them their Back Pay?
Where does that leave the fourteen county employees who were fired?
How does this affect the 3.5 million in fines?
It will continue. It’s the LCBCC. I retired 5 years early because of this A$$ hat. I was not going subject myself the LCBCC to qualify my religious beliefs. Good riddance!
If the Leon County Commissioners don’t hold County Administrator Vince Long accountable for his maniacal Power Trip and illegally firing 14 employees and taking away their freedoms then they all should resign immediately.
They should have already resigned for not standing up to the power grab earlier. Will they do their jobs and protect the people of Leon County or will this debacle continue?