The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) model, which has become the go-to model for coronavirus projections, has once again lowered the projections for Florida. The model now projects that 1,363 Floridians will die from the coronavirus, down from the 4,748 deaths projected less than five days ago. Previous to the 4,748 deaths, the […]
UPDATED April 12th, 6:00 PM The latest information shows 120 positive coronavirus cases in Leon County. This means there were 7 new cases reported since yesterday’s 6:00 PM update. The report indicates 18 hospitalizations in Leon County. With regards to testing, the report indicated there were 1,784 negative tests in Leon County. This translates to […]
Officials with the Lakeland-based Publix grocery store chain have confirmed that an employee at the Bradfordville Center Shopping Center store recently tested positive for COVID-19. The confirmation was reported first by the Tallahassee Democrat. Due to privacy laws, a company spokesperson stated that no further information about the case could be released. Publix, which is […]
TR has previously written about when to expect and how to measure the impact of the mitigation actions put in place in Florida to stop the spread of the corona virus. Information from medical experts indicate that the impact of mitigation efforts would be evident in the positive test rates approximately two weeks after the […]
According to experts, the impact of the mitigation actions taken in Florida to address the spread of the coronavirus should began to show up in the tracking numbers this week. Why now? It has been approximately two weeks since Governor DeSantis issued Executive Orders aimed at blunting the spread of the coronavirus. On March 20th […]
The past Thursday, Dr. Birx, who serves as the Coronavirus Response Coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force, held a press conference and provided an assessment of how states are handling the battle with the coronavirus. Based on the percentage of COVID-19 tests that come back positive, Dr. Birx identified states that are currently […]
Can lawn services still operate during the stay at home order? Can accountants go to their office and work? Can construction projects underway, continue? Can Home Depot and Lowes remain open? The answer to all these questions appear to be yes. The stay at home order signed by Governor DeSantis, which goes into effect on […]
Comparing the deaths over the last two weeks in New York and Florida from the coronavirus show very different trends (See graph below). The data shows that ten days into the crisis for both states, New York reported 385 deaths while Florida reported 71 deaths. This trend has mostly been overlooked in media reports that […]
Florida Governor Ron Desantis has been taking a beating from the state-wide media and Florida Democrats for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, the de facto leader of the Florida Democratic party, has aggressively called for a statewide “stay-at-home” order. Gwen Graham, the former US Congresswoman, gubernatorial candidate, and a relentless […]
The latest information from the Florida Department of Health shows that there have been 20 deaths attributed to the coronavirus. The table below provides information for each of the victims. The average age of the coronavirus deaths is 77.8 years. The youngest casualty was 52, the oldest was 96. Fifteen of the twenty deaths were […]