In a bold move, the City of Tallahassee’s Independent Ethics Board decided Tuesday night that an anonymous complaint involving city manager Rick Fernandez will be referred to the Florida Commission on Ethics. The decision comes after the full City Commission has repeatedly ignored the Board’s request for more authority to address similar complaints. The decision […]
While Tallahassee waits for more information from the FBI about their investigation into corruption, on Tuesday the USA Today published an article on their national website detailing the undercover operation. The article entitled “FBI agents went undercover in Florida’s capital for the ‘biggest investigation in years” is accompanied by the picture of three people with blurred faces. […]
News broke Friday that prominent local attorney Harold Knowles was indicted by a federal grand jury in the Middle District of Georgia. The indictment mentioned Knowles’ Tallahassee Law firm and Pinnacle/CSG, a Florida-based construction company partly owned by Knowles. Research by Tallahassee Reports has found that both entities addressed in the indictment have financial relationships with […]
Tallahassee Reports has confirmed through sources that on Friday, February 12, 2016, Mayor Andrew Gillum, with his Chief of Staff Dustin Daniels, flew to Tampa on a private plane owned by Southport Financial Services for a political meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to give Mayor Andrew Gillum a venue to tell “his story” […]
A study of votes by the News Service of Florida revealed that Senator Bill Montford was the most likely Democrat to vote across party lines. The study showed that Montford voted with Republicans 27.8% of the time on certain issues. Montford was the only Northwest Florida legislator on the list developed by the News Service […]
Tallahassee Reports has learned that Dr. Erwin Jackson has filed a complaint with the Florida Elections Commission over campaign finance reporting errors made by City Commissioner Scott Maddox during the last election cycle. The Tallahassee Democrat recently reported that $131,259 of Maddox campaign funds were unaccounted for in campaign finance reports for more than a […]
Florida Politics is reporting that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has spent approximately $25,000 on legal services tied to his use of city owned software to send out political emails. Tallahassee Reports, after obtaining information through a public records request, was the first to report about Gillum’s use of the NGP VAN software for political […]
Local public relations expert, Tallahassee Democrat columnist, TV host, former Leon County Commissioner and political consultant, Gary Yordon, took to Facebook to defend his recent Democrat column entitled “We’re meeting our challenges with community pride.” In the article, Yordon describes an enchanted evening in Cascades Park and writes, “I thought to myself, if I was […]
As our community waits for the next shoe to drop in the investigation by federal authorities of local government actions, it is time for elected officials to answer some basic questions. It is true, that in a court of law everyone is innocent until proven guilty. However, to maintain the credibility of government institutions, public […]
By Dr. Stephen Moleski Tattoos are a thing. People get them all the time. But are they healthy? If you’re thinking about getting a tattoo or may already have one, this article is worth reading. The FDA is seeing reports of people developing infections from contaminated inks, and even reacting to the inks themselves. There […]