Local Home Sales Slow in October, But Healthy Annual Pace Continues

Local Home Sales Slow in October, But Healthy Annual Pace Continues

The graph below shows the annualized sales of single-family homes  in Leon county over the last 12 months. The latest information for October continues to show that the resale market is slowing a bit when compared to the significant increases experienced in the first part of the year. However, the current annual rate of single-family […]

Graham and 46 Democrats Vote With Republicans on Syrian Refugee Issue, Media Shows Bias

Graham and 46 Democrats Vote With Republicans on Syrian Refugee Issue, Media Shows Bias

On Thursday of last week, US Representative Gwen Graham and 46 other Democrats voted with Republicans to pass a bill which would require additional levels of certification for Syrian refugees. The issue is pitting select Democrats against President Obama at the national level and having ramifications here in Tallahassee. Politico reported that Democrats met with […]

Leon County Employment Dips in October

Leon County Employment Dips in October

The latest employment data released by the State of Florida shows that Leon county employment dipped slightly in October after a major increase in September. The number of people employed in Leon county fell from 144,017 in September to 143,747 in October for a loss of 270 jobs. The work force also decreased from 151,397 […]

Maddox Proposes Ethics Resolution, Mayor Gillum Votes No….Again

Maddox Proposes Ethics Resolution, Mayor Gillum Votes No….Again

It appears Mayor Andrew Gillum is uncomfortable supporting recommendations from independent voices when it comes to more stringent ethics rules for elected officials. At the last City Commission meeting, Commissioner Scott Maddox asked the City Commissioners to vote for a resolution that supported Florida Senate Bill 582, entitled Misuse of Public Office Act which has been […]

Gaines Street Developer Hires Gary Yordon as Lobbyist, Gets No Bid Award

Gaines Street Developer Hires Gary Yordon as Lobbyist, Gets No Bid Award

Tallahassee Reports has learned the the Community Redevelopment Agency voted to sell a piece of property on Gaines Street to North American Properties (NAP), a past developer of projects on Gaines Street, without seeking competitive bids. North American Properties has previously been given Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) tax breaks to build student housing in the Gaines Street […]

Choose Tallahassee Gets City Funding to Attract Aging Baby Boomers

Choose Tallahassee Gets City Funding to Attract Aging Baby Boomers

Tallahassee will continue leaning into the Florida stereotype of being a hotspot for retirees. Choose Tallahassee is focused on bringing more baby boomers to the city. They gave a presentation to city commissioners on Tuesday outlining the program’s successes and to ask for more investment. See the Choose Tallahassee website here. The project is funded […]