The process to determine what direction the owner of the Killearn Country Club will head given recent developments have taken another step forward. Barton Tuck, the current owner of the struggling Killearn Country Club, has sent a ballot to members asking them to allow him to close the North course and to give up their […]
In the race for the US Congressional District 2 Seat, incumbent Congressman Steve Southerland loss to challenger Gwen Graham in one of the closest races of this campaign cycle by 2,800 votes. Over 249, 000 votes were cast in the contest. With such a narrow loss, the second-guessing by Southerland supporters about what could have […]
One of the provisions of the ethics amendment, passed by two-thirds of City voters during the recent elections, limited campaign contributions to city candidates to $250 per person or business entity. Before the passage of the charter amendment, the limit was $1,000. The language in the charter amendment appears to put the effective date of […]
One of the most hotly contested contracts awarded by the City of Tallahassee is the the contract to pave the streets of the capital city. The current holder of the contract, Capital Asphalt, won the contract two years ago after Peavy and Sons Construction held the contract for a number of years. Now the contract […]
On November 5, 2014, the Quality of Life Target Issue Committee, which is chaired by Commissioner Nancy Miller and Commissioner Gil Ziffer, directed the consideration of the issue of whether the City of Tallahassee should file an amicus curiae, “friend of the court” brief, in the case of Mariama Monique Changamire Shaw v. Keiba Lynn […]
When the City Attorney and City Auditor filled the in-house ethics officer position last month, they passed on hiring the former General Counsel of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement who also served as the agency’s Chief Ethics Officer. Tallahassee Reports has learned that the City of Tallahassee narrowed the selection of the City’s Ethic […]
A group of Killearn Estates Homeowners has filed a court action with regards to a redevelopment plan proposed by the current owner of the Killearn Golf and Country Club. The Killearn Estates Homeowners Association is not a party to the suit. The redevelopment plan was announced last month. The plan called for the closing of […]
On October 23, 2014, the Leon County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) voted to give the new owner of the downtown Double Tree Hotel $883,000 in tax dollars to help with the hotel renovation. The CRA is comprised of nine members, including the five City of Tallahassee Commissioners along with four of the seven Leon County […]
Killearn Country Club has recently provided detailed answers to twenty-one questions that arose during meetings with the Killearn Homeowners Association and the Killearn Country Club members about redevelopment plans. The questions and answers are listed below. Questions 1. Does the owner have the right to close the entire 27-hole golf course in 2021? Answer: Yes. […]
Using publicly available information, Tallahassee Reports has built a data base of donations and expenditures for this past cycle of local elections. The data base includes information on over $800,000 in donations and $600,000 in expenditures. The data base covers donations and expenditures for all candidates seeking election to the Leon County Board of Commissioners […]