Leon County Ends 2016 With Job Gains

Leon County Ends 2016 With Job Gains

The State of Florida employment report for December shows that Leon County added 316 jobs.   This month’s gain follows a loss of jobs in November. The unemployment rate fell from 4.6% in November to 4.4% in December. Approximately 2,934 more people were working in December of this year when compared to December of last year. […]

Airport Traffic Continues to Climb

Airport Traffic Continues to Climb

Last month the annual passenger traffic at the Tallahassee International Airport surpassed 700,000 for the first time since February 2015. The latest report shows annual passenger traffic continues to climb aided by increased traffic in November. The numbers for November 2016 show a 10.0% increase in passenger traffic. The number of passengers increased from 59,184 […]

November New Single-Family Construction Permits Increase

November New Single-Family Construction Permits Increase

November reports from Leon County government and the City of Tallahassee show the value of Leon county single-family new construction permits issued over the last 12-months was $110.41 million. This is 1.3% above the 12-month value reported last month and 12.4% above the $98.04 million reported in November 2015. The New Construction Report shows the […]

Troubling Economic Trend: Tallahassee Falls in Milken Institute Rankings

Troubling Economic Trend: Tallahassee Falls in Milken Institute Rankings

The Milken Institute’s annual Best-Performing Cities index for 2016 shows that Tallahassee continues to occupy the bottom 50 of the 200 largest cities in the United States when it comes to economic performance. The Best-Performing Cities index, compiled since 1999, uses a comprehensive, fact-based set of criteria to rank 200 large and 201 small metros […]

November Existing Home Sales Move Up

November Existing Home Sales Move Up

Sales of existing single-family homes in November increased by 18.2% in Leon County when compared to numbers reported in November one year ago. There were 195 single-family home resales in November 2016 and 165 were sold in November 2015. The latest numbers resulted in an increase in the annual rate of sales back over 3,000. […]

Leon County Loses Jobs in November, Still Ahead for 2016

Leon County Loses Jobs in November, Still Ahead for 2016

The State of Florida employment report for November shows that Leon County lost 1,169 jobs.   This month’s losses follows seasonal trends. For example, in November 2015 Leon county loss 1,365 jobs and in 2014 approximately 2,278 jobs were lost in November. As the chart below shows, this month’s loss follows two months of gains. The […]

Leon County Wages Increase 2.1%, Ranks 13th in State

Leon County Wages Increase 2.1%, Ranks 13th in State

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released wage data for the second quarter of 2016. The BLS provided the average weekly wage and the percent change in the weekly wage when compared to the second quarter in 2015. The data shows that Leon County average weekly wages increased 2.1% from $799 in 2015 […]

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