National Report Hits Delegation in Boulder with a Dose of Reality

National Report Hits Delegation in Boulder with a Dose of Reality

On Sunday we heard that sixty of Tallahassee’s political, educational and business elites were headed to Boulder, Colorado to seek new ideas for our local economy. Monday morning we read that these leaders were wandering Pearl Street and peering into the windows of locally owned coffee shops, breweries and stores. And then a report by two Harvard […]

Leon County Jobs Decline for the 5th Consecutive Month

Leon County Jobs Decline for the 5th Consecutive Month

After significant revisions to previously released information, the latest employment data shows that the number of people employed in Leon County has declined for the 5th month in a row. The losses began in November, 2014 when employment fell by 1,327 jobs. This loss was followed by job losses of 553 in December, 408 in […]

Locally Owned Business, Power On, Helps You Power Up

Locally Owned Business, Power On, Helps You Power Up

Hurricane season begins on June 1, 2015 and John and Vicki Cunniff view this time of year different than most. You see, their locally owned business, Power On, was born 11 years ago during the hurricane season of 2004. After witnessing the devastating impact four major hurricanes had on the state of Florida, John saw […]

Leon County Employment Remains Stagnant

Leon County Employment Remains Stagnant

After three consecutive months of job losses, the latest employment numbers indicate that Leon County added 231 jobs in February. This is after losing 408 jobs in January. Since October, the US has added just over a 1 million jobs, a .7% increase, while Florida and Leon County have lost jobs. The employment data show […]

Journalism Ethics Expert: “It is a clear conflict”, Gannett Responds

Journalism Ethics Expert: “It is a clear conflict”, Gannett Responds

On Wednesday TR published public records that indicated Tallahassee Democrat reporter Doug Blackburn was paid by FAMU while he was covering FAMU as a Tallahassee Democrat reporter. The full story can found here. Gannet Company, owner of the Tallahassee Democrat, responded to TR’s request for comment through their Ethics Officer, Barbara Wall. Ms. Wall said […]

The City Commission Approves Solar Project, Enters Solar Debate

The City Commission Approves Solar Project, Enters Solar Debate

The City of Tallahassee has decided to do what Google and Apple have recently done- invest in solar. On February 25th, 2015 the Tallahassee City Commission voted in favor of the City’s electric utility proposal to build 10 Mega- watt “solar farm” that could be producing electricity as early as December, 2016. City staff told […]

The Leon County Economic Report Card

The Leon County Economic Report Card

Tallahassee Reports presents for the first time the “Leon County Economic Report Card.” The ‘Report Card”, provided to the right, has been developed over the last year. The idea behind the “Report Card” is to provide a way for readers to get an in-depth idea of how the local economy is performing in just a few minutes. A look at each measure […]