Leon 2019 FSA Scores Released by FDOE

Leon 2019 FSA Scores Released by FDOE

On Friday, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) released the 2019 FSA test results. Based on the data, Leon County School district increased proficiency in 5 of 12 categories highlighted by the Florida Department of Education when compared to 2018 scores. In all 12 categories, the LCS district outperformed the state-wide averages. The scores range […]

Suspended Regulator Blasts Patronis in Lawsuit

Suspended Regulator Blasts Patronis in Lawsuit

By Jim Turner, The News Service of Florida Florida’s suspended top financial regulator, in a lawsuit alleging he is the victim of “pay to play — or else” politics, contends state Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis is running a “powerful but corrupt enterprise.” Office of Financial Regulation Commissioner Ronald Rubin, who remains on administrative leave […]

Some Democrats Fear “Free Stuff” Will Hurt Party

Some Democrats Fear “Free Stuff” Will Hurt Party

A two-day conference held in Charleston, South Carolina, last week, by the moderate Democratic group Third Way was focused on trying to determine the best path to victory in 2020. The group is concerned that the left-wing of the Democratic party is overshadowing the more moderate and larger segment of the party. Axios reported that […]

DeSantis Signs Budget, Vetoes $131 Million

DeSantis Signs Budget, Vetoes $131 Million

By Ana Ceballos, Jim Turner The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis used his line-item veto power to slash more than $131 million in proposed spending Friday as he signed a record $90.98 billion budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1. Calling the package “fiscally responsible,” the freshman governor praised […]

Leon County 2018 Crime Rate Down, Still Leads Florida

Leon County 2018 Crime Rate Down, Still Leads Florida

Despite a decrease, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement released data for 2018 that shows Leon County leads the state of Florida in crime rate for the fifth year in a row. The crime rate per 100,000 residents in Leon county decreased by 7.2% over 2017 numbers. The table below shows that the violent crime […]

Leon County Approves Tentative Budget

Leon County Approves Tentative Budget

The Leon County Board of County Commissioners, in a 7-0 vote, balanced the County’s tentative budget without raising the millage rate for the eighth year in a row. The proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget of $274.3 million is a 4.06% percent increase from last year’s budget. However, the increase in property tax revenue – due […]

Centerville Road Pipe Replacement Requires Detour

Centerville Road Pipe Replacement Requires Detour

The City of Tallahassee is planning wastewater system improvements along a portion of Centerville Road near Hickory Ridge Road. The work is necessary to replace a segment of aging pipe in the area and enhance service reliability. Construction is slated to begin on June 17 and involves replacing roughly 1,500 feet of sewer pipe under […]