Who is “Lobbying” for Reese Goad as City Manager?

Who is “Lobbying” for Reese Goad as City Manager?

At the last city commission meeting, City Commissioner Nancy Miller made a surprise move to hire interim city manager Reese Goad. This motion was a surprise because the city commission had previously voted to conduct a nation-wide search to fill the position after two new city commissioners and a new mayor were seated after this […]

City Commissioner Miller Proposes to “Short Circuit” Process, Hire Reese Goad as City Manager

City Commissioner Miller Proposes to “Short Circuit” Process, Hire Reese Goad as City Manager

Amid an ongoing FBI investigation and less than two months before city elections, City Commissioner Nancy Miller caught her colleagues by surprise when she proposed forgoing the process of conducting a national search for a new city manager and hiring current interim City Manager Reese Goad. She proposed a two year contract for Mr. Goad […]

Local Candidates Grab Campaign Endorsements

Local Candidates Grab Campaign Endorsements

As the primary election draws closer, a number of organizations that have an interest in local elections choose to interview candidates and make decisions about public endorsements. In addition, at times, elected officials and influential members of the community will also publicly endorse candidates. Jeremy Matlow, a candidate for city commission seat 3, announced last […]

City to Consider Planning Commission Appointments

City to Consider Planning Commission Appointments

The City Commission will consider the School Board’s appointment of Martha Chauncey and the appointment of Ian Waldick and Leslie Jacobs to the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Commission/Local Planning Agency at the Wednesday commission meeting. The board is comprised of three members appointed by the Leon County Commission, three members appointed by the City Commission, and […]

UPDATED: CRA Board to Vote on $450K Grant for Proof Brewing Company

UPDATED: CRA Board to Vote on $450K Grant for Proof Brewing Company

Update On Monday morning the CRA Board voted against a staff recommended $450K grant to help Proof Brewing Company renovate a recently purchased  building located on South Monroe. After Mayor Gillum and City Commissioner Nancy Miller offered support for the project, the motion failed 3-2 with city commissioners Ziffer, Maddox and Richardson voting against the […]

Mayoral Candidate Dustin Daniels Gets Backing from Prominent African-American Leaders

Mayoral Candidate Dustin Daniels Gets Backing from Prominent African-American Leaders

Mayoral candidate Dustin Daniels has secured the support of three prominent local African-American leaders in his campaign to lead the city of Tallahassee for the next four years. Tallahassee Reports was sent an image of a campaign postcard which was recently placed on the windshields of cars at local churches. The postcard features pictures of […]

Corporation Seeking CRA Funds Has Official Under Federal Indictment

Corporation Seeking CRA Funds Has Official Under Federal Indictment

On Monday, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) will consider approving $281,660 in pre-development costs as requested by The Frenchtown Redevelopment Partners, LLC. (FRP) A review of public records by TR revealed that Harold Knowles, who was  indicted by a federal grand jury in the Middle District of Georgia last August, was listed as a Manager of FRP […]