Tallahassee Reports Expands Print Edition, Adds Award Winning Reporter

Tallahassee Reports Expands Print Edition, Adds Award Winning Reporter

Tallahassee Reports, a locally owned newspaper with a mission of providing investigative reporting and community news, announced they are expanding their monthly print addition to two times a month and are also adding an award winning reporter. Kathy Stewart, TR’s publisher, said “the time is right for expansion. Our original investigative reporting and community news […]

BREAKING NEWS: Tallahassee Poll Says 57% Want Property Tax Relief, Only 17% Support Executive Management Pay Raises

BREAKING NEWS: Tallahassee Poll Says 57% Want Property Tax Relief, Only 17% Support Executive Management Pay Raises

In an attempt to influence upcoming votes on the FY2017 budget, local groups questioning the budget priorities of the City of Tallahassee commissioned a scientific poll that was conducted on July 7th and July 8th. The poll gathered answers to 13 questions from 400 likely general election voters. The poll had a margin of error […]

City’s Own Study Does Not Support Recent Raises for Assistant City Managers

City’s Own Study Does Not Support Recent Raises for Assistant City Managers

Tallahassee Reports has received a copy of the pay study that City Manager Fernandez used as support for the the recently reported executive level pay raises.View City’s “market rate study” here. Surprisingly, the numbers reported in the study do not support the majority of the pay raises. This report addresses only the Assistant City Manager […]

View Top 250 City of Tallahassee General Fund Salaries

View Top 250 City of Tallahassee General Fund Salaries

Listed below is a searchable and sortable list of the top 250 general fund salaries for the City of Tallahassee. There are approximately 1,050 city employees paid out of the general fund. The data includes the position description and the annual salary. The salaries are as of the December, 2015 and do not include the recent […]

New Information Contradicts City Manager Fernandez’s Defense of Double-Digit Raises

New Information Contradicts City Manager Fernandez’s Defense of Double-Digit Raises

Tallahassee Reports has learned that the substantial raises given by City Manager Rick Fernandez to executive staff has resulted in annual salaries that are significantly higher than salaries for the same position in comparable Florida cities. These findings contradict the assertion by City Manager Rick Fernandez that the substantial increases in salaries were justified based […]

Two Assistant City Managers Pull Down $49K and $46K in Raises

Two Assistant City Managers Pull Down $49K and $46K in Raises

Tallahassee Reports has learned that since January of this year two assistant city managers, who were promoted under newly appointed City Manager Rick Fernandez, have recently received substantial pay raises. Cynthia Barber, who was being paid $125,084 in January, is now making $174,999.99 as an assistant city manger. That is a $49,916 increase, which equals […]

School Superintendent Candidates Pull No Punches

School Superintendent Candidates Pull No Punches

By Karen Murphy TALLAHASSEE – Candidates for Leon County School Superintendent pulled no punches Tuesday during the Network of Entrepreneurs and Business Advocates (NEBA) candidate forum. Candidates Rocky Hanna, Woody Hildebrandt, Patricia Ann Sunday, and Forrest Van Camp squared off against incumbent superintendent Jackie Pons at the Capital City Country Club with Tallahassee Reports editor […]