Stewart’s Blog: Good Luck Skrappy!

Stewart’s Blog: Good Luck Skrappy!

Last week Kevin Record resigned as the tennis coach and journalism teacher at Leon High School to take a position as Director of Tennis at his alma mater, Lynchburg College in Lynchburg, Virginia. After 21 years, the Record era in Tallahassee comes to an end. Of the 130 or so comments posted on his Facebook […]

FDOT to Address Traffic Issue at Chiles High School

FDOT to Address Traffic Issue at Chiles High School

Tallahassee Reports has learned that traffic issues at the entrance of Chiles High School will be addressed by the Florida Department of Transportation before school starts in August. Laurie Osgood, a parent of a Chiles High School student, started a petition to bring attention to traffic concerns. The petition is titled “SLOW DOWN!!! Morning […]

Local Students Compete in the 2016 4-H Tropicana Public Speaking Contest

Local Students Compete in the 2016 4-H Tropicana Public Speaking Contest

By Cassidy Craig Since 1969, the 4-H Tropicana Public Speaking Contest has established public speaking skills in young students. The contest teaches students to develop confidence in front of an audience and to organize material and information for a detailed speech. Though the contest began in 1969, Leon County did not hold its first competition […]

Local High Schools Host Dance Marathons Benefiting Children’s Miracle Network

Local High Schools Host Dance Marathons Benefiting Children’s Miracle Network

By Cassidy Craig In early 2016, Chiles, Leon, Maclay, and John Paul II Catholic will host Dance Marathons benefiting Children’s Miracle Network, Shands Children’s Hospital, and the Florida State University College of Medicine. In Feb. 2015, Maclay School and Leon High School joined together to create the first high school Dance Marathon in Leon County. […]

NFC Grad and Football Standout Declares for NFL Draft

NFC Grad and Football Standout Declares for NFL Draft

Former North Florida Christian (NFC) football standout and Clemson redshirt-junior linebacker Travis Blanks confirmed on Tuesday that he will enter the 2016 NFL Draft. In his senior year at NFC he led the football team to a victory in the Florida 2A state championship game after an undefeated season.In addition to playing safety on the NFCS […]

Local JPII CHS Standout, Teresa Conroy, Stays “On Par” and Commits to University of North Florida

Local JPII CHS Standout, Teresa Conroy, Stays “On Par” and Commits to University of North Florida

By: Austin Mall On Tuesday, November 17, Teresa Conroy, a senior at John Paul II Catholic High School, committed to study and play golf at the University of North Florida. Approximately 40 community members comprised of family, friends, students, faculty, and coaches joined Teresa to celebrate the momentous day. JPII Athletic Director, Ken Silvestri, kicked […]

Tallahassee Quarterback Club Announces Players of the Week, Will Host “We Are Marshall” Speaker

Tallahassee Quarterback Club Announces Players of the Week, Will Host “We Are Marshall” Speaker

The Tallahassee Quarterback Club meeting this Tuesday will feature Jack Lengyel as their main speaker. Mr. Lengyel has had a long and distinguished career in collegiate athletics. He began his career as the freshman football coach at his alma mater Akron University, has been involved with intercollegiate athletics since 1957. As a coach, Mr. Jack […]

Tallahassee Quarterback Club Announces Players of the Week

Tallahassee Quarterback Club Announces Players of the Week

The Tallahassee Quarterback Club has announced their Players of the Week for the week of October 18th. The club chose Co-Offensive Lineman Players of the Week this week and therefore there is not a Special Teams Player of the Week. Offensive Player of the Week: Darius Bradwell, Godby High School 9 of 16 for 176 […]