City Announces Reorganization, Promotions, Pay Raises

City Announces Reorganization, Promotions, Pay Raises

City Manager Reese Goad recently announced a city reorganization and promotion of employees to further efforts toward the City of Tallahassee’s strategic goals. “Change is rapid in today’s world, and we must keep pace to ensure organizational effectiveness as outlined in our five-year strategic plan. This includes supporting succession planning to ensure the continuity of […]

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Notes: April 20

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Notes: April 20

Provided below are the meeting briefs from the April 22nd Tallahassee City Commission meeting. -During the April 20th City of Tallahassee Commission meeting, Mayor John Dailey recognized Earth Day by presenting a proclamation for April 22nd. -The city commissioners unanimously approved a two-year contract with Anytime Concrete, a one-year contract with Smyrna Ready Mix, and […]

Kristin Dozier Reports Nearly $53K in First Campaign Report, Bellamy Breaks $200K

Kristin Dozier Reports Nearly $53K in First Campaign Report, Bellamy Breaks $200K

The latest campaign fundraising numbers for local candidates were filed with the Supervisor of Elections on April 10, 2022. The table provided below shows the latest numbers for all Tallahassee city commission candidates. City Commission candidates reported total contributions of $959,285 adding $91,812 in the April report. The candidates have spent $132,791 and have a […]

City Commission Candidate Adner Marcelin Announces Endorsements

City Commission Candidate Adner Marcelin Announces Endorsements

Adner Marcelin, candidate for Tallahassee City Commission Seat 5, recently announced several endorsements during a campaign kickoff event outside City Hall on March 30th. The endorsement list includes former Mayors Dot Inman-Johnson and Debbie Lightsey, former Leon County Commissioners Bob Rackleff and Cliff Thaell, and Tabitha Frazier, the Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor. Marcelin […]

Car Hit by Gunfire at Cascades Park

Car Hit by Gunfire at Cascades Park

Around 2:00 a.m. on Friday, April 1st, a parent’s car was hit by gunfire when picking up their teenage daughter from a parking lot party in Cascades Park, according to the Tallahassee Police Department (TPD). As the parents were arriving to pick up their daughter from the southwest parking lot near South Gadsden Street and […]

TPD Officer on Leave, Union Urges “Public to Reserve Judgment”

TPD Officer on Leave, Union Urges “Public to Reserve Judgment”

A Tallahassee Police Officer was placed on administrative leave after a video circulating on social media showed the officer using force while making an arrest. The department released the body camera video of the arrest Monday, March 28th. The president of the Big Bend Chapter of the Florida PBA, Richard Murphy, issued a statement urging […]

The City Approves 200 Traffic Cameras

The City Approves 200 Traffic Cameras

The City of Tallahassee Commissioners unanimously approved a contract with Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc., in the amount of $454,640. Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc. will procure new traffic cameras for the Tallahassee Advanced Transportation Management System (TATMS). TATMS monitors and controls traffic signals in the City of Tallahassee and Leon County, including those along with the […]

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Notes: March 23, 2022

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Notes: March 23, 2022

During the City of Tallahassee Commissioners meeting, the Board unanimously approved reserving an additional $227,853 from the American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Relief Funds for Phase one of the 300-unit Orange Avenue Redevelopment Project. The Tallahassee Housing Authority requested $1.2 million from the county and the city. The county promised $1,002,853, […]

National Company Pursuing Economic Development Opportunities at Tallahassee Airport

National Company Pursuing Economic Development Opportunities at Tallahassee Airport

A national company -Burrell Diversified Investments, LLC located in Aspen, Colorado – appears to have an economic development interest in the Tallahassee International Airport along with other Florida airports. The interest in the Tallahassee International Airport seems to be part of a statewide plan to develop an alternate distribution system for freight carriers by building […]

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Notes: March 9, 2022

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Notes: March 9, 2022

—During the City of Tallahassee Commission meeting on March 9, 2022, the commissioners unanimously approved terminating the International and Sister City relationship with Krasnodar, Russia, in solidarity with Ukraine. The program promotes activities and exchanges that increase international trade, economic and community development, and promote cultural and educational opportunities. —Courtney Atkins was reappointed to the […]

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