City Commission Meeting Briefs: October 13th

City Commission Meeting Briefs: October 13th

The City Commission appointed Alexander Harden for the Joint City/County Bicycling Workgroup. The Workgroup functions as an ad hoc focus group that provides collective input to staff regarding proposed cycling-related projects, improvements, events, and ordinances of community interest and for the betterment of the Tallahassee- Leon County community. The city accepted the donation of artwork […]

City Commission Meeting Briefs: September 22nd

City Commission Meeting Briefs: September 22nd

Mayor John Dailey presented a proclamation recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month beginning September 15th through October 15th. The item on the resolution supporting reproductive healthcare was pulled from the Wednesday September 22, 2021, meeting. William Landing and William Leseman were appointed to the Science Advisory Committee. The Science Advisory Committee is comprised of nine members with […]

UPDATED: Tallahassee City Commission to Take Stand on Abortion

UPDATED: Tallahassee City Commission to Take Stand on Abortion

Update The Tallahassee City Commission has pulled the resolution related to abortion which was scheduled to addressed at today’s meeting. A spokesperson for the City of Tallahassee told TR that item was pulled to provide an opportunity for a broader community discussion on the issue. Original Story On Wednesday, September 8, the Tallahassee City Commission […]

Matlow Proposes Lobbyist Regulations

Matlow Proposes Lobbyist Regulations

At a press conference on Friday, City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow addressed the sentencing of former City Commissioner Scott Maddox and made what he called “six common-sense reforms” related to local government ethics. Matlow said that “yesterday’s sentencing of former Mayor and City Commissioner Scott Maddox and former Downtown Improvement Authority Director Paige Carter-Smith on public […]

Former Tallahassee Mayor and City Commissioner Scott Maddox Sentenced to Five Years

Former Tallahassee Mayor and City Commissioner Scott Maddox Sentenced to Five Years

Today, federal judge Robert Hinkle sentenced former Mayor and Tallahassee City Commissioner Scott Maddox to five years in prison after he pleaded guilty to charges related to public corruption. Maddox business associate, Paige Carte-Smith, was sentenced to two years for her role in the illegal acts. Judge Hinkle said Maddox and Carter-Smith were entitled to […]

City Settles Two Lawsuits with $422,480

City Settles Two Lawsuits with $422,480

During the City Commission meeting on Wednesday the City Commissioners approved the settlements of two cases involving the city. The cost of the settlements for both cases totaled $422,480. In the first case, the city was sued by Mark Anthony Murray. Mr. Murray filed a lawsuit against the city in 2015 after his renamed position […]

UPDATED: City Approves $4 Mill Offer for Gaines Street Property

UPDATED: City Approves $4 Mill Offer for Gaines Street Property

The City Commission voted 3-1 to sell a city -owned vacant parcel of land located at 650 W. Gaines Street. Commissioner Jacqueline Porter voted against the sale and Commissioner Matlow recused himself due to a potential conflict. The transaction was completed without a competitive bid solicitation. The Tallahassee City Commission has recently approved a similar […]

TPD Makes Arrest in Shooting Death

TPD Makes Arrest in Shooting Death

On September 1, 2021 the Tallahassee Police Department arrested Terence Grice, age 29, for homicide, attempted homicide, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. The altercation occurred at the 2600 block of West Tennessee Street, sometime around 2 a.m. on Sunday, August 29, 2021.  According to TPD, police officers were monitoring a crowd […]

TPD Unveils Mobile App to Promote Transparency

TPD Unveils Mobile App to Promote Transparency

On August 24, 2021 the Tallahassee Police Department released the Tallahassee Bystander app which is designed to record interactions with police and increase community engagement. The new mobile application was approved for development by the City Commission in June 2020. Over the last few years, prompted by increased attention to law enforcement altercations, several apps […]

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