TPD: Protestor Lawfully Defended Himself

TPD: Protestor Lawfully Defended Himself

The Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) released information about the altercation that took place Saturday at an unscheduled downtown protest that involved an individual that was attacked and then brandished a gun. TPD reported: A local group hosted a non-permitted protest on downtown streets. An individual was pushed from behind by a white protester, which led […]

City Commission Forum Provides Answers to Controversial Questions

City Commission Forum Provides Answers to Controversial Questions

The Network of Entrepreneurs and Business Advocates held a forum with the three candidates vying for Tallahassee City Commission Seat 1. The candidates are current City Commissioner Elaine Bryant, Jack Porter, and William Moore. Listed below are paraphrased answers from the candidates for ten questions that we found to be the most direct and decisive. […]

TPD Sergeant Suspended and Demoted Over Social Media Post

TPD Sergeant Suspended and Demoted Over Social Media Post

On August 4th, Tallahassee Police Chief Revell issued a statement related to the results of a recent internal investigation stemming from a social media post made by TPD Sgt. Gavin Larremore. Chief Revell’s statement: “Today marked the conclusion of a thorough Internal Affairs investigation into a questionable social media post made by a member of […]

TPD to Community: We Have a Problem

TPD to Community: We Have a Problem

The Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) is having a problem gaining the cooperation of private business owners in policing crowds and obtaining statements from witnesses of crimes. On July 25 at 2:45 a.m. a homicide occurred in the parking lot of 1143 Orange Ave. During the course of TPD’s investigation hundreds of people gathered at the […]

Community Leaders Choose Sides in Pivotal City Race

Community Leaders Choose Sides in Pivotal City Race

Based on the sheer volume of endorsements by local community leaders, the bid for City Commission Seat 1 is quickly becoming the race to watch. The campaign pits current City Commissioner Elaine Bryant against three challengers. However, a closer look at social media presence, donations, and endorsements reveals that race is shaping up to be […]

City Commission Accepts $1,878,411 in CARES Act Funding

At today’s City Commission meeting, the Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the amended FY 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan and FY 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan in order to accept $1,878,411 in CARES Act funding. The funding will be used for housing and community development initiatives in response to the impacts of COVID-19 in Tallahassee. The COVID-19 CARES […]

City Commission Introduces Ordinance Increasing Restrictions on Vendor Contact, Modifications to “Cone of Silence”

City Commission Introduces Ordinance Increasing Restrictions on Vendor Contact, Modifications to “Cone of Silence”

At the July 8 meeting, the City Commissioners introduced an ordinance that increases restrictions on contact between the City and vendors during competitive solicitation for goods and services. Ordinance 20-O-04 amends Section 2-357 of the Code of General Ordinances. Notably, the ordinance will change the effective date of the “cone of silence”—the period of time […]

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