City Commissioners to Consider Funding for StarMetro Operational Analysis

City Commissioners to Consider Funding for StarMetro Operational Analysis

For the first time since redesigning its transit system, StarMetro may conduct a Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) beginning this year. At their January 29 meeting, the City Commissioners will vote on approving funding for StarMetro to hire a consultant for the COA. In November 2019, the Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) approved the project […]

City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow Discusses Local Issues on Above the Fold

City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow Discusses Local Issues on Above the Fold

On January 23rd City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow appeared on Above the Fold with Tallahassee Reports Editor Steve Stewart. Matlow discussed current local issues as well as challenges facing Tallahassee in 2020. The full audio of the interview is available here. Stewart and Matlow began by discussing the issue of firms participating in local government contracts, […]

TR’s Weekly Crime Tracker: Jan 17th-23rd

TR’s Weekly Crime Tracker: Jan 17th-23rd

Information provided by the Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) shows that there were 68 incidents reported during the week of January 17th-23rd. The data indicates there were 31 property incidents and 1 violent incidents. A regional breakdown of the incidents – based on TPD defined quadrants – shows that the Northwest quadrant of Tallahassee led the […]

Ethics Board Addresses Public Appearances by City Officials

Ethics Board Addresses Public Appearances by City Officials

At its January 21 meeting, the Independent Ethics Board discussed the impact of public appearances by City officials. The discussion considered the premise that the City should clarify its policies on City officials’ participation in privately-sponsored events. The Ethics Board staff drafted a statement that noted, “Sometimes promoting or recognizing a local activity, event, or […]

Tallahassee Police Chief Lawrence Revell Names Three New Deputy Chiefs

Tallahassee Police Chief Lawrence Revell Names Three New Deputy Chiefs

Last week, Tallahassee Police Chief Lawrence Revell named three new deputy chiefs after reviewing internal and external applications for the positions. According to a Tallahassee Police Department press release from January 15, Revell chose Jason Laursen, Tonja Bryant-Smith, and Maurice Holmes. According to the press release, Jason Laursen has lived in Tallahassee since 1993, and […]

TPD to Reconsider Policy on Releasing Information of Minors with Felony Charges

TPD to Reconsider Policy on Releasing Information of Minors with Felony Charges

Recently, a debate began within the Tallahassee community after the Tallahassee Police Department published the names and photos of juveniles who had been arrested for felony burglary. Typically, law enforcement departments do not release the identity of people under the age of 18 if they have committed nonserious crimes. Many Tallahassee community members have questioned […]

TPD Policy on Publishing Pictures of Juveniles Under Review

TPD Policy on Publishing Pictures of Juveniles Under Review

A debate recently took place on Facebook over pictures of several African-American juveniles that were published by the Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) after they were arrested for felony burglary. Many posters were surprised that TPD would post the picture of someone under the age of 18. However, City Commissioner Dianne Williams-Cox, who was engaged with […]

Planning Commission to Consider New Northside Development

Planning Commission to Consider New Northside Development

Today the Leon County Planning will consider a staff recommendation to accept an application for the Cambridge Parc Planned Unit Development (PUD). The proposed project is on approximately 7.45 acres off of Thomasville Road adjacent to St. Peters Anglican Church. The meeting will take place today at 6:00 p.m. in the Second Floor Conference Room […]

Keith Powell Accepts Ethics Officer Position

Keith Powell Accepts Ethics Officer Position

Tallahassee Reports has learned that Keith Powell has accepted the Ethics Officer position with Tallahassee’s Independent Ethics Board. The Tallahassee Independent Ethics Board selected Mr. Powell as their first choice for the position at the December 16th meeting held at City Hall. The current Ethics Officer, Julie Meadows-Keefe, is slated to leave the position in […]

Lawrence Revell Sworn In as Tallahassee Police Chief

Lawrence Revell Sworn In as Tallahassee Police Chief

At 10:22 on January 6th, Lawrence Revell was sworn-in as Tallahassee’s next Police Chief. The ceremony was held at the Jack McLean Community Center, located at 700 Paul Russell Road on the southside of town not far from where Mr. Revell attended Rickards High School. Many local government dignitaries were in attendance, including Mayor John […]

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