City to Consider Planning Commission Appointments

City to Consider Planning Commission Appointments

The City Commission will consider the School Board’s appointment of Martha Chauncey and the appointment of Ian Waldick and Leslie Jacobs to the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Commission/Local Planning Agency at the Wednesday commission meeting. The board is comprised of three members appointed by the Leon County Commission, three members appointed by the City Commission, and […]

Mayoral Candidate Dustin Daniels Gets Backing from Prominent African-American Leaders

Mayoral Candidate Dustin Daniels Gets Backing from Prominent African-American Leaders

Mayoral candidate Dustin Daniels has secured the support of three prominent local African-American leaders in his campaign to lead the city of Tallahassee for the next four years. Tallahassee Reports was sent an image of a campaign postcard which was recently placed on the windshields of cars at local churches. The postcard features pictures of […]

Leon County Planning Commission Appointment Raises Questions About Transparency, Conflicts

Leon County Planning Commission Appointment Raises Questions About Transparency, Conflicts

At the June 19th Leon County Commission meeting,  County Commissioner and mayoral candidate John Dailey nominated Robert Volpe to serve as one of  Leon County’s appointments to the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Commission. Volpe was approved for the seat with a 6-1 vote. The Planning Commission is a joint city-county board with city appointments and county […]

City Moves Forward with Land Purchase for Public Safety Campus

City Moves Forward with Land Purchase for Public Safety Campus

At the most recent city commission meeting, commissioners approved the staff recommendation to purchase a plot of land for $5.5 million to construct a new Public Safety Campus on the south side of town. The city commission received three different property proposals. One of the options proposed multiple lots forming one linear property cornering Polk Drive […]

Two New Faces on Downtown Improvement Authority

Two New Faces on Downtown Improvement Authority

The Tallahassee Downtown Improvement Authority (DIA) will get two new members and two current seat holders were reappointed. Current members William Moor, Jr. and Chris Dudley were reappointed and Elizabeth Emmanuel and Slaton Murray were selected to fill the remaining vacancies. The DIA seeks to promote downtown improvement and redevelopment, which is achieved primarily through […]

Public Trust, Ethics Dominates NEBA Mayoral Debate

Public Trust, Ethics Dominates NEBA Mayoral Debate

The Network of Entrepreneurs and Business Advocates (NEBA) held a mayoral forum Tuesday during their monthly luncheon meeting at the Capital City Country Club. The straw ballot (only NEBA members could participate) after the session showed that three votes separated the winner, Leon County Commissioner John Dailey, and second place finisher Michelle Rewhinkel Vasilinda. The […]

Blueprint Committee Accelerates Bannerman Road Construction, Other Projects

Blueprint Committee Accelerates Bannerman Road Construction, Other Projects

The Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency Board of Directors (IA Board) met today to address funding and project delivery for the first five years of the Blueprint 2020 program. The end result was the approval of a schedule (Option C) that will begin the construction to improve Bannerman Road up to Tekesta Road beginning in the year 2023. […]

City Staff Recommends Contractor with Family Ties to Commissioner Nancy Miller for $1.1 Million Project

City Staff Recommends Contractor with Family Ties to Commissioner Nancy Miller for $1.1 Million Project

On February 28, 2018 city staff was directed by city commissioners to reconsider a $1.1 million project award due to a protest by DPB & Associates – a contractor with family ties to City Commissioner Nancy Miller and with city management staff. Now, four months later, city staff is recommending that the city commission award […]

Mayoral Candidate Dustin Daniels: Gillum 2.0?

Mayoral Candidate Dustin Daniels: Gillum 2.0?

Does Dustin Daniel’s non-response to an interview request mean Daniels, if elected as Tallahassee’s new mayor, will continue at least one policy of his former boss, Mayor Andrew Gillum — Gillum’s contentious, combative attitude toward Tallahassee Reports? Hopefully not. Tallahassee Reports reached out to Daniels to include him in the paper’s ongoing political profiles of […]

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