Lab Report: Hopkins Leak Caused by Corrosion Due to Lack of Maintenance

Lab Report: Hopkins Leak Caused by Corrosion Due to Lack of Maintenance

Through an information request, Tallahassee Reports has learned that an outside metalurgical laboratory concluded in August 2012 that the leak in the 7.5 million gallon fuel tank located at the Hopkins Generating Station was caused by a “corrosion attack” and “microbiologically-influenced corrosion.” Also, the lab report and other writings by experts indicate the corrosion could […]

Steve Adams No Longer at The Edison

Steve Adams No Longer at The Edison

Last month the Tallahassee Democrat reported that The Edison restaurant in Cascades Park had hired Steve Adams to run operations. He was described as a “heavy hitter” and Mr. Adams said the restaurant “is getting back to basics. A simpler menu. Better customer service.” Approximately six months after moving to Tallahassee from South Carolina to […]

City Staff Proposes Revenue Increases, Staff Raises and Health Benefit Increases for FY2018 Budget

City Staff Proposes Revenue Increases, Staff Raises and Health Benefit Increases for FY2018 Budget

On Wednesday, May 10th, Tallahassee City Commissioners will receive a 2017 budget update from city staff and information about the fiscal year 2018 budget process. The update will reveal few surprises about the 2017 budget and actual spending, but the information on the 2018 budget includes proposals for millions in revenue increases for the General […]

Three Tallahassee Democrat Sources for Hopkins Spill Story Recently Paid by City of Tallahassee

Three Tallahassee Democrat Sources for Hopkins Spill Story Recently Paid by City of Tallahassee

A review of a recent story published in the Tallahassee Democrat, “The Diesel Disaster that Wasn’t”, reveals there were significant financial arrangements between the City of Tallahassee and people interviewed by Tallahassee Democrat reporter Jeff Burlew. The specifics of these arrangements were not disclosed. These arrangements are important to the context of the reporting because […]

The City of Tallahassee’s Fuel Spill Cover-Up

The City of Tallahassee’s Fuel Spill Cover-Up

Tallahassee Reports has learned that a City of Tallahassee employee knew about the major fuel spill at the Hopkins Generating Station, but failed to alert City Commissioners about the spill during a public meeting while discussing contracts for companies to cleanup potential “spills of hazardous materials.” The discussion took place on February 8, 2012 during […]

Major Fuel Spill at City’s Hopkins Generating Station Hidden from Public View

Major Fuel Spill at City’s Hopkins Generating Station Hidden from Public View

Through the review of public records after receiving an anonymous tip, Tallahassee Reports has learned that there was a major diesel fuel spill from an above ground storage tank at the Hopkins Generating power plant that, until now, has not been publicly reported. The spill, which happened in 2012, resulted in thousands of gallons of […]

Plan Slated to Bring Solar Power to City of Tallahassee Utilities Customers

Plan Slated to Bring Solar Power to City of Tallahassee Utilities Customers

TALLAHASSEE — Customers of City of Tallahassee Utilities can soon use solar power without dealing with the complications and high costs of installing rooftop solar panels on their individual buildings, if a proposed plan is adopted by city commissioners. There will be an open enrollment period for customers wanting to subscribe to the proposed city […]

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