After a contentious two years, the City Commission went against the Planning Commission recommendation and voted 5-0 to approve a rezoning application that will facilitate a proposed redevelopment on a portion of the “North Nine” holes of the Killearn Country Club. The end product was very different than the original proposal pushed by Barton Tuck, […]
Tallahassee Reports has learned that a presentation to City Commissioners at a Wednesday workshop will report that the “City is currently under funding its street maintenance needs.” Also, the report will inform the elected officials that it is anticipated that over 15,000 trip hazards exist on city maintained sidewalks. The sidewalk hazards are important because […]
A City of Tallahassee audit of the the Big Bend Community Development Corporation (BBCDC) has found that as of September 2016 the organization had failed to make any payments on city of Tallahassee loans totaling $1,275,000. Some of the loans were first originated in 2002. Also, the audit documented instances of mismanagement and nepotism. The […]
Tallahassee Reports has learned that the number of people with a criminal background hired by the City of Tallahassee has increased during the year after the “Ban the Box” initiative was passed by the Tallahassee City Commission. “Ban the Box” is the slogan used by a nationwide movement that identified job and housing discrimination as […]
TALLAHASSEE — Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil has assigned Criminal Investigations Bureau (CIB) Chief Investigator Jeffery Beasley to lead the investigation of Mayor Andrew Gillum’s alleged misappropriation of City of Tallahassee property for personal use. McNeil brushed off suggestions longstanding ties with Gillum — through McNeil’s previous position as Tallahassee Police Department Chief of Police […]
This past Saturday gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum told members of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida in Tampa that he was against the Sabal Trail Transmission natural gas pipeline and fracking. In written remarks provided to Tampa Bay Times, Gillum said “I oppose the Sabal Trail Pipeline on principle and next week I will vote to […]
Through a public records request, Tallahassee Reports has learned that Mayor Andrew Gillum’s Office sent out an email blast invite to a Biden/Clinton campaign event using the NGP VAN software purchased with City of Tallahassee tax dollars. This finding contradicts the statements by Gillum’s Chief of Staff, Dustin Daniels, who told Jeff Burlew of the […]
Tallahassee Reports has learned that three local Democrats -Loranne Ausley, Gwen Graham, and Andrew Gillum – used the same NGP VAN software for their political campaigns that was recently purchased by the Mayor’s Office. A review of campaign reports show that in 2012, then City Commissioner Andrew Gillum, spent approximately $6,600 with NGP VAN. TR […]
In response to a TR investigation, Dustin Daniels, Mayor Gillum’s Chief of Staff, told Jeff Burlew of the Tallahassee Democrat that the software purchased from a self described progressive/liberal vendor was needed by the Mayor’s Office to communicate with constituents. “We use it for our communications with constituents for large events like the Longest Table […]
Tallahassee Reports has learned that Mayor Andrew Gillum’s office has spent approximately $5,000 in city tax revenue with a campaign vendor, NGP VAN, that advertises “our new tech tools can help grow the resistance.” NGP VAN’s website states that it “is the leading technology provider to Democratic and progressive campaigns and organizations, offering clients an […]