City and County Set to Increase Fire Service Fee

City and County Set to Increase Fire Service Fee

The City and County Commissions are set to raise the fire service fee by as much as 15% for residential service. Also, some apartment dwellers will be paying more than four times their current rate under the proposed changes. On the business side, some commercial customers will pay 55% more than their current rate. The […]

Who Are The Major Donors to Local Campaigns?

Who Are The Major Donors to Local Campaigns?

Using publicly available information, Tallahassee Reports has built a data base of donations and expenditures for this past cycle of local elections. The data base includes information on over $800,000 in donations and $600,000 in expenditures. The data base covers donations and expenditures for all candidates seeking election to the Leon County Board of Commissioners […]

Leon County Debates Approaches To Managing Amphitheater Concerts

Leon County Debates Approaches To Managing Amphitheater Concerts

After three concerts in the new Amphitheater in Cascades Park, the Leon County Board of County Commissioners received a detailed analysis of what went right, what went wrong and options for future activities. The raw numbers show that the three concerts cost the taxpayers approximately $175,000. The losses were attributed to the lack of attendance. […]

Innovation Park Takes A Different, Unique Path

Innovation Park Takes A Different, Unique Path

Rarely does a government entity decide to become smaller so that it can become more effective. But that is exactly what Innovation Park did. Innovation Park is the areas university-based research park that is overseen by the Leon County Research and Development Authority (the Authority).Among the partnerships highly valued by the Authority are those with […]

Imagine Tallahassee Adds Complexity To Blueprint Process

Imagine Tallahassee Adds Complexity To Blueprint Process

Kim Rivers is not happy. Ms. Rivers, a successful local business woman and the engine behind Imagine Tallahassee, believes the Leon County Board of County Commissioners have voted to ignore the work of Imagine Tallahassee. And she is not shy. After the vote last week , she fired off an email stating her version of […]