Canine Replacements and Night Rifle Scope Proposed for Federal Law Enforcement Grant

Canine Replacements and Night Rifle Scope Proposed for Federal Law Enforcement Grant

On Wednesday the Tallahassee City Commission will hold a public hearing to approve a recommendation for allocation of a Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) award. The FY16 combined allocation of the grant for the City of Tallahassee and Leon County is $147,440. The federal JAG program requires the governing body of each eligible jurisdiction to provide an […]

Leon County Proposed Budget Increases by $5.58 Million, Law Enforcement Gets $2.1 Million

Leon County Proposed Budget Increases by $5.58 Million, Law Enforcement Gets $2.1 Million

The Leon County Board of County Commissioners held a workshop on June 14, 2016 and County staff presented the fiscal year 2017 proposed budget. The staff reported that “the preliminary FY 2017 budget totals $246,254,510 which reflects a 3.2 percent increase from FY 2016. As a point of comparison, the recently passed State of Florida […]

UPDATED: Pool Party Canceled at Old School

UPDATED: Pool Party Canceled at Old School

UPDATED Tallahassee Reports has been informed by Randall Mills, a representative of the Old School, that the party scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. Old School released a statement which reads: “There are no events tonight at Old School. A third party promoter violated our terms and conditions and we were forced to cancel the […]

McNeil Releases Campaign Ad, Hits Crime-Rate and “All American City” Award

McNeil Releases Campaign Ad, Hits Crime-Rate and “All American City” Award

Leon County Sheriff candidate Walt McNeil has released a hard hitting TV advertisement which is sure to generate controversy on a number of fronts. The ad is entitled “Number One.” In the press release accompanying a link to the video, shown below, McNeil references the latest crime statistics and states, “This cannot become our new […]

Sheriff Candidates Talk Crime, Consolidation and Cooperation

Sheriff Candidates Talk Crime, Consolidation and Cooperation

On Tuesday, May 24th, the four candidates for Leon County Sheriff fielded questions at a forum hosted by the Network of Entrepreneurs and Business Advocates (NEBA). The forum was held at the Capital City Country Club and approximately 120 people attended. The election for Sheriff will begin with the primary on August 30th and conclude […]

Leon County State Lobbyist Seeks Increase in Fees, Cites City’s High Spending

Leon County State Lobbyist Seeks Increase in Fees, Cites City’s High Spending

The City of Tallahassee’s comparatively high spending on state lobbying is being cited by lobbyists representing Leon County government as a justification for a pay raise. Capitol Alliance Group has been the County’s state lobbyist since 2008 and is now seeking a $20,000 increase in their annual contract which expires in September. The current contract […]

City, County to Consider $300,000 Study that Supports a New Tax on Vehicle Miles Traveled

City, County to Consider $300,000 Study that Supports a New Tax on Vehicle Miles Traveled

At this Wednesday’s City Commission meeting, elected officials will consider spending approximately $300,000 on a study that will provide support for the establishment of a new tax based on vehicle miles traveled. The tax is called a mobility fee. The cost of the study would be shared with the Leon County Board of County Commissioners. […]