Tallahassee Democrat Ignores Parkland Parents Support of School Safety Plan, Focuses on GOP

Tallahassee Democrat Ignores Parkland Parents Support of School Safety Plan, Focuses on GOP

The Tallahassee Democrat has chosen to paint the debate over school safety as a partisan fight and to ignore reports that Parkland parents are actually supporting the bill before the Florida Legislature. A screen capture of the Tallahassee Democrat website shows their focus on the GOP. The headline this morning proclaims ” GOP rolls Democrats […]

Senator Bill Montford on Gillum’s Criticism: “Bush League”

Senator Bill Montford on Gillum’s Criticism: “Bush League”

Senator Bill Montford made it clear -through his votes on two amendments – that he does not support arming teachers with guns or de-certifying teacher unions. However, that was not enough for Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum. The two amendments Montford supported were not adopted and he was faced with supporting two bills that provided significant […]

Lawmakers Pass Controversial Education Bill

Lawmakers Pass Controversial Education Bill

More sweeping changes are headed toward Florida’s public schools, including the use of sales-tax credits to help students attend private schools. In a 20-17 vote Monday, the Senate backed a bill (HB 7055) that has been a top priority of House Speaker Richard Corcoran, R-Land O’ Lakes, and includes dozens of changes for the state’s […]

City Seeks State Grant for Solar-Powered Charging Stations

City Seeks State Grant for Solar-Powered Charging Stations

The City Commission voted to submit an application to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for a grant to install public solar-powered electric vehicle charging stations at several locations downtown. If the grant is approved, the city will be responsible for providing at least 20% in matching funds. The City claims it can […]

City Approves Agreement with Big Bend Habitat for Humanity

City Approves Agreement with Big Bend Habitat for Humanity

At the most recent City Commission meeting, the City of Tallahassee entered in an agreement with Big Bend Habitat for Humanity to sponsor construction of three homes with a donation of $195,000 in funding and 600 hours of volunteer time. The City is eligible for a rebate of 50% of the appraised value of the […]

Joe West: Breaking the Mold

Joe West: Breaking the Mold

With one of the most brutally honest web page bios of any political candidate, Joe West is confident, despite a history of addiction, homelessness and failed marriages, his leadership would be better for Tallahassee than the slick, professional, scandal-ridden leadership of the politicians currently running the city. Sober now for 20+ years, West said, “The […]

Text Message Shows Mayor Gillum’s Chief of Staff Solicited Concert Tickets from Corey

Text Message Shows Mayor Gillum’s Chief of Staff Solicited Concert Tickets from Corey

Sources tell Tallahassee Reports that Mayor Gillum’s Chief of Staff Dustin Daniels solicited concert tickets from Adam Corey for the March 26, 2017 performance by Earth, Wind & Fire at the Tucker Center. Sources confirm that Daniels watched the concert from Adam Corey’s Civic Center luxury box. Tallahassee Reports was told that the box or […]

Seven Months Later, Interim City Manager Still Investigating Football Ticket Scandal

Seven Months Later, Interim City Manager Still Investigating Football Ticket Scandal

Seven months after Tallahassee Reports broke the story about City Manager Rick Fernandez soliciting $500 football tickets from city lobbyist and city vendor Adam Corey, the interim city manager, Reece Goad, is still investigating allegations that other city employees also used tickets provided by Corey. City Manager Rick Fernadez eventually resigned his position because of the […]