After a Tallahassee Reports Investigation, Rep. Alexander Resigns from Non-Profit Job

After a Tallahassee Reports Investigation, Rep. Alexander Resigns from Non-Profit Job

Three weeks after a Tallahassee Reports exclusive about the state lobbyist led Big Bend Minority Chamber of Commerce (BBMCC) hiring newly elected Florida House member Ramon Alexander, Mr. Alexander has resigned from the $50,000 a year position. On January 9th, 2017 the Tallahassee Democrat reported that Ramon Alexander, a freshman state representative elected this past […]

RAA Teacher Facing Criticism Over Discussing a White Supremacy Theory in Language Arts Class

RAA Teacher Facing Criticism Over Discussing a White Supremacy Theory in Language Arts Class

A RAA middle school language arts teacher is facing criticism over an article distributed in her class about a controversial white supremacy theory. Several sources also said the teacher told her students they were welcome to come to her classroom if they chose to walk out of a class showing the inauguration of Donald Trump […]

Mayor Andrew Gillum Re-Tweets Van Jones’ Support for #Resistance

Mayor Andrew Gillum Re-Tweets Van Jones’ Support for #Resistance

Tallahassee Reports has learned that Mayor Andrew Gillum re-tweeted a message by Van Jones, former Obama administration official, which characterized the Trump presidency as a “would-be authoritarian regime” and offered support for a #resistance movement. The Gillum re-tweet is shown below. Also, the resistance hash tag (#Resistance) which has become the symbol for those opposing […]

Stewart’s Blog: Elected Officials Working for Non-Profits is a Bad Idea

Stewart’s Blog: Elected Officials Working for Non-Profits is a Bad Idea

Recent developments on the local jobs front shows elected officials gaining employment -while holding elected office – with non-profit organizations. In these jobs, the elected officials are being asked to raise money and keep their board members and financial donors satisfied. This is a really bad idea. And here’s why. Do you remember the Clinton […]

Stewart’s Blog: Tallahassee Democrat Chooses Sex Over Local Government Accountability

Stewart’s Blog: Tallahassee Democrat Chooses Sex Over Local Government Accountability

Over the past two days, the Tallahassee Democrat has published four stories related to sex. All of this while ignoring financial shenanigans and questionable votes by local government officials that even Barney Fife could uncover. On January 28th, the esteemed publisher and editor of the Gannett owned Tallahassee Democrat decided it was their journalistic responsibility […]

City Commissioner Nancy Miller Refuses to Identify Vendor with Family Ties

City Commissioner Nancy Miller Refuses to Identify Vendor with Family Ties

After several requests by Tallahassee Reports, City Commissioner Nancy Miller has refused to identify a City vendor that has ties to a family member. On December 12, 2012, the City Commission voted to approve the staff’s ranking and recommendation for Civil Engineering Consulting Services. The recommendation included eight vendors and authorized staff to execute three-year […]

Leon County Ends 2016 With Job Gains

Leon County Ends 2016 With Job Gains

The State of Florida employment report for December shows that Leon County added 316 jobs.   This month’s gain follows a loss of jobs in November. The unemployment rate fell from 4.6% in November to 4.4% in December. Approximately 2,934 more people were working in December of this year when compared to December of last year. […]

Mayor Gillum Participates in Anti-Trump Fundraiser, Pokes Fun at Governor Scott

Mayor Gillum Participates in Anti-Trump Fundraiser, Pokes Fun at Governor Scott

The Tallahassee Democrat was quick to report on Mayor Andrew Gillum’s attendance at the U.S. Mayor’s Conference in Washington D.C., but has yet to report about Gillum’s participation in an anti-Trump meeting this past weekend funded by liberal groups set on challenging the Trump presidency. A number of news outlets reported about the meeting began […]

Tallahassee Mayor Gillum Leaves Soros Backed PFAW After Tallahassee Reports Story on Campaign Pledge

Tallahassee Mayor Gillum Leaves Soros Backed PFAW After Tallahassee Reports Story on Campaign Pledge

A little over a month after Tallahassee Reports published a report revealing Mayor Andrew Gillum had ignored a campaign pledge dealing with his employment with the George Soros backed People for American Way Foundation (PFAW), it appears Gillum is out at PFAW. Gillum was the founder and Director of Youth Leadership Programs for the PFAW. […]