Innovation Park Takes A Different, Unique Path

Innovation Park Takes A Different, Unique Path

Rarely does a government entity decide to become smaller so that it can become more effective. But that is exactly what Innovation Park did. Innovation Park is the areas university-based research park that is overseen by the Leon County Research and Development Authority (the Authority).Among the partnerships highly valued by the Authority are those with […]

Imagine Tallahassee Adds Complexity To Blueprint Process

Imagine Tallahassee Adds Complexity To Blueprint Process

Kim Rivers is not happy. Ms. Rivers, a successful local business woman and the engine behind Imagine Tallahassee, believes the Leon County Board of County Commissioners have voted to ignore the work of Imagine Tallahassee. And she is not shy. After the vote last week , she fired off an email stating her version of […]

Vendor with Highest Bid Selected by City for TAPP Program Project

Vendor with Highest Bid Selected by City for TAPP Program Project

Tallahassee Reports has learned that City Manager Anita Favors selected the highest bid to produce a Public Service Announcement (PSA) commercial for the Think About Personal Pollution (TAPP) program in 2012. A request for proposal (RFP) was sent to a number of interested parties. Only two responses were received by the City of Tallahassee. The […]

Leon County Fuel Tax Will Not Be Spent On Road Maintenance

Leon County Fuel Tax Will Not Be Spent On Road Maintenance

Decisions made by elected officials on the City Commission and the Leon County Board of County Commissioners ensure that the approximately $4 million raised by the fuel tax increase approved in 2013 will not be spent on additional road maintenance. This, despite the fact that one of the main arguments used to push for an […]

One Developer Gets Message from Tallahassee City Manager, One Does Not

One Developer Gets Message from Tallahassee City Manager, One Does Not

On October 14, 2013, the lobbyist for the Mckibbon Hotel Group (MHG), Gary Yordon, responded favorably to a request by City Manager Anita Favors to donate money to charitable organization she was representing. Just one week later, October 22, 2013, Mr.Yordon, received a personal notification via email at the direction of the City Manager Anita […]

Local Author Hits New York Times Best Selling List with “Extortion”

Local Author Hits New York Times Best Selling List with “Extortion”

Tallahassee resident and author Peter Schweizer has hit the New York Times best selling list again with “Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes and Line Their Own Pockets.” Schweizer, who is a Fellow at the Hoover Institute and the President of the Government Accountability Institute, also penned the best seller, “Throw Them All […]

Sales Tax Committee Settles on Blueprint Projects

Sales Tax Committee Settles on Blueprint Projects

The Leon County Sales Tax Committee has recommended nearly $700 million in projects to be funded an extension of the current penny sales tax. The Leon County Commission will have the final say on which projects will be placed on the ballot for voter approval this fall. The Blueprint infrastructure program is known mostly for […]

Government Spending on Homeless Shelter Move Approaches $3 Million

Government Spending on Homeless Shelter Move Approaches $3 Million

The cost to taxpayers to move the Tallahassee Homeless Shelter from Tennessee Street to a new location on West Pensacola recently topped $3 million. Back on November 25, 2013, the Tallahassee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) approved the purchase of the current shelter property for a total of $1,950,000. The funds to purchase the property will […]

Imagine Tallahassee Narrows List of Projects

Imagine Tallahassee Narrows List of Projects

Imagine Tallahassee is a private organization created to develop a process to guide the portion of Blueprint tax money that will be allocated to economic development projects. During months of public meetings and presentations, Imagine Tallahassee followed a process that took input from citizens, evaluated current conditions, developed a vision statement and then prioritized economic […]