The Persecution of Planned Parenthood’s Exposers

The Persecution of Planned Parenthood’s Exposers

By Noah Rothman/ Commentary Magazine Will journalists speak out for journalism if it targets Planned Parenthood? Anyone who doubted that the abortion provider Planned Parenthood is a sacred cow for the left had those doubts dispelled on Tuesday night courtesy of California’s Department of Justice. The state pursued and secured criminal charges against two filmmakers who […]

The Death of Town Hall Meetings in America

The Death of Town Hall Meetings in America

Congressional Republicans have unsurprisingly received criticism for calling out leftist protesters who are part of a nationally coordinated campaign to hijack their town hall meetings. These forums have become such a media spectacle that Senator Marco Rubio decided to forgo town halls all together. This has raised the question of whether or not the town […]

In Search of Love: Fake Love (Vol 3)

In Search of Love: Fake Love (Vol 3)

By: Trent Pelham In Volume 1 of “In Search of Love”, the theme centered around the idea that after the 2016 Presidential election, we’d all need a national shower to wash away the nastiness of that election cycle. It referred to a metaphorical shower of love. Instead, after the election we’re seeing people marching in […]

Stewart’s Blog: Heads Up Killearn Estates, City Ignores Neighborhoods on Zoning Issues

Stewart’s Blog: Heads Up Killearn Estates, City Ignores Neighborhoods on Zoning Issues

Residents in the 4,000 home Killearn Estates neighborhood recently received a questionnaire from the Killearn Homeowners Association (KHA) asking how they would like the Association to move forward with regards to the redevelopment of the land that was previously a nine hole golf course. The current owner is seeking a zoning change from the City […]

In Search of Love: Unopened (Vol 2)

In Search of Love: Unopened (Vol 2)

It seems like almost every year on Christmas morning after the commotion and flurry of opening all the gifts, there is inevitably a gift or two left under the tree unopened.   Sometimes it’s because they need to be taken to the next location, or maybe the person they’re meant for isn’t there yet. Then there’s the […]

Let’s Happily Disagree During The Holidays … Ho! Ho! Ho!

By Cindy O’Connell & Dr. Susan Fell Perhaps its wishful thinking — but imagine a world where civil discourse is prevalent in the midst of chaotic change.  Where differing ideas can be discussed without personal attacks. And if leadership or management shifts had to occur in an organization, these could be accomplished respectfully without long-held […]

Stewart’s Blog: We Should Not Let Elected Officials Forget Campaign Promises

Stewart’s Blog: We Should Not Let Elected Officials Forget Campaign Promises

Often times campaign promises are vague, emotional words devised by a crafty politician to gain favor with voters. After elections, losers disappear and the winners -along with most voters – forget the campaign promises rather quickly. However, sometimes promises are clear, verifiable, and have consequences when broken. One of the most famous campaign promises was […]

What “Manners” Most Civility, Courtesy, Common Sense: “A Return to Civility”

By: Cindy O’Connell & Susan Fell “A Return to Civility” The Arizona Republic Headline, Top of the fold, November 11, 2016 Indeed, this is an interesting headline from a news outlet whose state was very late in reporting the final vote count for our country’s 45th president. Out of the thousands of headlines printed across […]

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