Candidate Gillum Speaks Against Energy Policies that Benefit the City of Tallahassee

Candidate Gillum Speaks Against Energy Policies that Benefit the City of Tallahassee

This past Saturday gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum told members of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida in Tampa that he was against the Sabal Trail Transmission natural gas pipeline and fracking. In written remarks provided to Tampa Bay Times, Gillum said  “I oppose the Sabal Trail Pipeline on principle and next week I will vote to […]

Gillum’s City Software Included Email Addresses for Soros Family and Soros Related Groups

Gillum’s City Software Included Email Addresses for Soros Family and Soros Related Groups

Tallahassee Reports has received the data housed by the NGP VAN software purchased by Mayor Andrew Gillum using city tax dollars. Gillum has recently reimbursed the City of Tallahassee. It will take some time to go through the 30,000 email addresses and 60 emails that were sent using the data, but early findings reveal various […]

Ridge Road Residents Riled

Ridge Road Residents Riled

TALLAHASSEE — Two elderly men sit hunched over their checkers game out on Benjamin Harris’s front porch on a beautiful afternoon. The peace of the setting is disturbed by the constant sound of traffic on the neighboring Ridge Road. Harris straightens up and sits back in his chair. “Do you hear that?” he asked. “It’s […]

Stewart’s Blog: Tallahassee Democrat Chooses Sex Over Local Government Accountability

Stewart’s Blog: Tallahassee Democrat Chooses Sex Over Local Government Accountability

Over the past two days, the Tallahassee Democrat has published four stories related to sex. All of this while ignoring financial shenanigans and questionable votes by local government officials that even Barney Fife could uncover. On January 28th, the esteemed publisher and editor of the Gannett owned Tallahassee Democrat decided it was their journalistic responsibility […]

Elected Officials Support New Approach to Gas Tax, Pilot Study for Mileage Based Fees

Elected Officials Support New Approach to Gas Tax, Pilot Study for Mileage Based Fees

On January 17,2017, the Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) held a meeting at City Hall and voted to adopt the statewide policy initiates of the Florida Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC). MPOAC is a statewide transportation planning and policy organization created by the Florida Legislature pursuant to Section 339.175(11), Florida Statutes. The organization […]

Stewart’s Blog: Heads Up Killearn Estates, City Ignores Neighborhoods on Zoning Issues

Stewart’s Blog: Heads Up Killearn Estates, City Ignores Neighborhoods on Zoning Issues

Residents in the 4,000 home Killearn Estates neighborhood recently received a questionnaire from the Killearn Homeowners Association (KHA) asking how they would like the Association to move forward with regards to the redevelopment of the land that was previously a nine hole golf course. The current owner is seeking a zoning change from the City […]

City Ignores Planning Commission & Neighborhood Residents, Supports Ridge Road Development

City Ignores Planning Commission & Neighborhood Residents, Supports Ridge Road Development

On December 14, 2016 the City Commission voted  3-2  to move forward with a 32 acre development off of Ridge Road despite concerns by residents and a recommendation for denial by the City’s Planning Commission. City Commissioners Nancy Miller, Scott Maddox and Gill Ziffer supported the development and Mayor Andrew Gillum and City Commissioner Curtis […]

The Edison Plans Another Late Night Party

The Edison Plans Another Late Night Party

The Edison, a city subsidized establishment without a liquor license, reportedly won a bid to host a party that is being advertised as  a “Funkfest Kickoff and Alumni Mixer.” The party which is slated for the Thursday (October 20th) before FAMU homecoming, is scheduled to last until 2 a.m. TR published a report on the […]

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