Stewart’s Blog: The Tallahassee Democrat Should Leave Scott Maddox & Paige Carter-Smith Alone!

Stewart’s Blog: The Tallahassee Democrat Should Leave Scott Maddox & Paige Carter-Smith Alone!

The Tallahassee Democrat has suddenly made the agonizing decision to put their investigative resources into explaining the business relationships between City Commissioner Scott Maddox and Downtown Improvement Authority Executive Director Paige Carter-Smith. It is amazing how bold and righteous the executives at the local paper can get when a few FBI subpoenas are dropped at […]

Mayor’s Office Recommends Highest Bidders, Campaign Donors for Lobbyist Contracts…Again

Mayor’s Office Recommends Highest Bidders, Campaign Donors for Lobbyist Contracts…Again

At the City Commission meeting this Wednesday, Mayor Andrew Gillum’s office is recommending the highest bidder receive the general state lobbying contract and the city electric utility lobbying contract. Last year the Mayor’s office recommended, and the City Commission approved, a one year extension for the lobbyist contracts that were awarded in 2012. During the […]

Democrat Watchdog Reporter Predicts Maddox Victory in City Race, Challengers Respond

Democrat Watchdog Reporter Predicts Maddox Victory in City Race, Challengers Respond

Jeff Burlew, who the Tallahassee Democrat labels as their  community watchdog reporter, recently wrote a story about political advertising in the upcoming elections and predicted that City Commissioner Scott Maddox will easily win his race. Burlew, referring to Maddox, wrote “He’s facing three challengers with little name recognition or chance of winning.” Ironically, in writing that […]

ROUND 1: Pons and Maddox Spar at Local Forum

ROUND 1: Pons and Maddox Spar at Local Forum

On Monday the local Democratic Party held a forum at City Hall for local candidates. At the forum current Superintendent Jackie Pons and candidate and current City Comissioner Scott Maddox stole the show with pointed jabs at each other. Candidate Rocky Hanna was not allowed to participate because he is running as an independent. Pons […]

Jeff Burlew, Tallahassee Democrat Coverage of School Board and Jackie Pons Raises Questions of Bias

Jeff Burlew, Tallahassee Democrat Coverage of School Board and Jackie Pons Raises Questions of Bias

Over the last year, multiple sources have contacted Tallahassee Reports about the potential bias of Tallahassee Democrat reporter Jeff Burlew’s  reporting on the Leon County School Board and Superintendent Jackie Pons. Previoulsy, the complaints have been about the number of stories, 40-50, dedicated to the coverage of the investigations into the awarding of construction contracts […]

Maddox Proposes Ethics Resolution, Mayor Gillum Votes No….Again

Maddox Proposes Ethics Resolution, Mayor Gillum Votes No….Again

It appears Mayor Andrew Gillum is uncomfortable supporting recommendations from independent voices when it comes to more stringent ethics rules for elected officials. At the last City Commission meeting, Commissioner Scott Maddox asked the City Commissioners to vote for a resolution that supported Florida Senate Bill 582, entitled Misuse of Public Office Act which has been […]

Gaines Street Developer Hires Gary Yordon as Lobbyist, Gets No Bid Award

Gaines Street Developer Hires Gary Yordon as Lobbyist, Gets No Bid Award

Tallahassee Reports has learned the the Community Redevelopment Agency voted to sell a piece of property on Gaines Street to North American Properties (NAP), a past developer of projects on Gaines Street, without seeking competitive bids. North American Properties has previously been given Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) tax breaks to build student housing in the Gaines Street […]

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