The latest jobs report shows that there were 149,517 people working in Leon County in June, which is 532 more than last month. The June unemployment rate came in at 5.4%, up from the 4.5% reported last month. One year ago the June, 2020 unemployment rate was 8.8%. In June, 2019 the unemployment rate was […]
Leon County Administrator, Vince Long, talked with Boris Sanchez on CNN New Day this morning about his recent decision to make COVID vaccinations a condition for employment. He also talked about the steps Leon County is taking to keep employees and the community safe amid the surge in COVID-19 cases caused by the Delta variant […]
The News Service of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order Friday aimed at blocking school boards from requiring students to wear masks when the academic year begins in August. In part, the order directs state Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran to withhold funds to “noncompliant” school boards that impose mask requirements. The Republican governor’s […]
On Friday afternoon, based on updated CDC guidance related to COVID-19, the City of Tallahassee sent out a memo requiring “all city employees and contractors/vendors/volunteers” to wear masks indoors. The change in policy comes amid an increase in positive COVID cases and an increase in hospitalizations in Leon County. The change also comes days after […]
The Leon County School Board briefly discussed nutritional services during the budget meeting on July 22, 2021. The nutrition program for Leon County School’s is fully federally funded by reimbursements for meals served. During the 2020-2021 school year, the fund balance decreased due to the pandemic since a number of students were at home with […]
An an email sent yesterday by the Leon County Administrator, Vince Long, notified all Leon County government employees that vaccinations against COVID-19 will become a condition of employment with the county, citing a “resurgence” of the virus in the county. According to the communication, all County employees will have until October 1 of this year […]
As a Florida contractor, I continue to be concerned about the future of our economy. Yes, we are red hot right now in almost every market in Florida, and developers, home-builders, and realtors are making plenty of money. But Florida’s real estate market has always been on a boom-and-bust cycle, and factors come into play […]
Listed below are select events in our area taking place over the next week. A German food and wine experience. Date: Thursday, July 29, 2021, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Where: The Wine House on Market Street, 1355 Market Street. Cost: $45 per person. What you’ll get: You’ll enjoy a carefully curated wine and […]
U.S. Representative for Florida’s 5th Congressional District, Al Lawson Jr., announced his endorsement of 2022 Gubernatorial candidate and current U.S. Representative, Charlie Crist, on Thursday. Lawson, a Democrat, was re-elected to his third term in 2020 and has represented the 5th Congressional District in North Florida since 2017. Before Congress, Lawson represented North Florida for […]
Listed below are notes from the July 27th Leon County School Board meeting. During the LCSB meeting Tuesday, with over one thousand viewers, more than 40 speakers, including parents, teachers, and students, gathered to weigh in on the school board’s decision regarding the mask policy and procedure for quarantining students in possible COVID-19 cases. At […]