The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Thursday, September 14

The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Thursday, September 14


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Leon County Schools announced they will be adding metal detectors to all varsity football games starting this Friday. Fans who plan to attend a game at Gene Cox Stadium will see both walk-through and wand devices used. All other venues will use wand devices only. The district also said that fans are not allowed to bring backpacks into any stadium.

The news briefs from the Tallahassee City Commission meeting that took place on September 13, 2023 are now available.


At the last Leon County Commission meeting, District 2 Commissioner Christian Caban expressed the struggle Pensacola Street faces caused by crime and made a motion to request an analysis on crime in Leon County. The commission approved his motion unanimously.


In a recent interview, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said that if he was president the Supreme Court would not likely do to gay marriage what the court did to abortion in Roe v. Wade. “You know, I’ve already said in terms of Obergefell, that what the court pointed out, and the other justices, was reliance interest is important with respect to precedent,” DeSantis said. “And I think all those other eight justices have signaled that, because there’s a significant reliance interest, that they would not view that the same as they did with Dobbs.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also touted his pro-life record by discussing the 6-week abortion ban he signed into law, but also said he does not see a pathway for a national abortion ban.

Florida’s insurance claims have come out to nearly $170 million and a total of 18,000 insurance claims. That total includes residential and commercial property as well as private flood insurance, business interruption and other lines of business such as auto, aircraft and fire.


Florida State junior All-American golfer Lottie Woad earned her third career individual championship, and the No. 10 ranked Seminoles finished in seventh place in the team standings as play in the Ninth Annual ANNIKA Intercollegiate tournament.


7 Responses to "The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Thursday, September 14"

  1. Snidely Whiplash & August West adding to the obesity epidemic by killing sports. Do you know these athletes must have a minimum GPA to participate? My unmotivated Senior almost got kicked off a team because we was laxing in one class, that got him going like nothing else.

    Is this just more attempts by conservatives to kill public schools?

  2. @ August West:
    Wisdom pure wisdom thanks.
    Why are local conservative voices on Talk Radio or Publishers of conservative local newspapers not shouting August West’s wisdom from the rooftops?
    Not a peep from local conservstives, could have heard a pin drop, nothing, nada.
    Worst case scenario to follow August’s advice is still great.
    Lets assume we cancel all sports and other extra activities – AND – core reading, math, ect… does not improve. Hey we the parents, tax payers, and citizens just saved millions of dollars in property tax used to fund those sports and extra activities!!!
    I see all good and zero bad in such a plan and in your heart you see it too. At least give the idea some Air Time and some Press Time to stirr up the local school board. That in itself is worth you guys making the effort to stop sleeping on this obvious cure to our failing local school system.
    August and I just have tiny soft voices compared to you guys who can actually help Leon County’s kids. Please rethink your desire to stand on the sidelines and not get involved.
    There boys, I got both of you now, because there is no way either of you will not be motivated into getting into the game by my clever sports analogy of standing on the sidelines.
    Dont worry August this will work 100% wink wink 100%

  3. LCS will be adding metal detectors to all varsity football games starting this Friday. That’s great, NOW, will you also put them in the Schools?

    It’s not just Pensacola Street that has Crime Problems, work on ALL of the Crime.

    Florida’s insurance claims have come out to nearly $170 million and a total of 18,000 insurance claims is not that bad, it averages $9,445 per Claim.

  4. There shouldn’t be ANY football games until a super majority of students are able to read at their assigned grade level. Right now, the majority of Leon County students are functionally illiterate. Football is a luxury for students that can read and a distraction for those that can’t.

    If we are worried about guns at football games maybe we shouldn’t have the football game?

  5. The Greyhound and City entanglement wreaks of a sweetheart deal, poor planning, misuse of taxpayer dollars, and a $60,000 yearly revenue source is insufficient and a number pulled out of a hat that makes no sense. The cost of liability insurance for the city alone is cost prohibitive. Some investigating reporting please.

    Commissioner Caban requesting a crime analysis, wow, if that isn’t an answer to solve the crime problem, not! Unfortunately another chamberbot / chamberbought.

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