New Website Helps Tallahassee Organizations Weather Economic Uncertainty

New Website Helps Tallahassee Organizations Weather Economic Uncertainty

The Taproot Agency has launched, a free website that shares how-to videos submitted by Tallahassee professionals and invites visitors to return the favor by making a voluntary financial contribution to those organizations. “When we saw how COVID-19 restrictions were affecting lifestyles and livelihoods, we put our heads together to come up with a way […]

New COVID Report Shows Leon County Details

New COVID Report Shows Leon County Details

The Florida Department of Health (DOH) began releasing detailed reports relating to COVID-19 statistics for each Florida county this past weekend. Listed below is the Leon County report as of April 26th, 2020.

COVID-19 Shutdown Hits Local Employment Numbers

COVID-19 Shutdown Hits Local Employment Numbers

The latest employment information shows that Leon County lost 3,067 jobs in March. One year ago Leon County lost 24 jobs. The unemployment rate in March increased from 2.8% in February to 4.1%. One year ago the unemployment rate was 3.0%. Support Local Journalism by Signing Upfor a $50 TR Annual Subscription The number of […]

Leon County March Home Re-Sales Hold Steady, Prices Up

Leon County March Home Re-Sales Hold Steady, Prices Up

Sales of existing single-family homes in Leon county remained unchanged when compared to numbers sold in the same month one year ago. There were 252 single-family home resales in March 2019 and 254 resales in March 2020. Last month there were 218 existing single-family homes sold. The average sales price in March 2020 increased 8.2% […]

March Tallahassee Airport Traffic Hit by COVID-19 Pandemic

March Tallahassee Airport Traffic Hit by COVID-19 Pandemic

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest information from the Tallahassee International Airport shows that passenger traffic decreased 48.1% in March when compared to traffic one year ago. The number of passengers was down from 73,055 in last March to 37,918 this year. The full impact of COVID-19 will not be evident until […]

UPDATED: DEO Publishes Florida Unemployment Dashboard

UPDATED: DEO Publishes Florida Unemployment Dashboard

On Monday the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity began to provide daily updates on their efforts to address Reemployment Assistance challenges. The State Reemployment Assistance Claims Dashboard is provided below. The information includes the total number of claims submitted, verified, processed, and paid. The Dashboard can be found here.

Leon County 2019 Crime Rate Down, No Longer Leads State

Leon County 2019 Crime Rate Down, No Longer Leads State

After a five year run, Leon County no longer leads the state of Florida in crime rate. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement data for 2019 shows that Leon County has fallen to third, behind Bay and Duval counties. The 2019 crime rate per 100,000 residents in Leon county decreased by 13.7% when compared to […]

State Steps Up Testing in Nursing Homes as Cases Mount

State Steps Up Testing in Nursing Homes as Cases Mount

By Christine Sexton, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — As the number of infections in long-term care facilities approached 1,000, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Monday that the state will begin a push to test nursing home residents and staff members for the novel coronavirus. DeSantis said the state will dispatch 10 four-member teams to […]

Nikki Fried Traveled to Atlanta Over Easter Weekend Despite Stay-At-Home Order

Nikki Fried Traveled to Atlanta Over Easter Weekend Despite Stay-At-Home Order

Reports indicate that Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, despite a Florida stay-at-home-order, traveled to Atlanta over the Easter weekend and appeared on MSNBC Friday night to continue her criticism of Governor Ron DeSantis. Reports indicate that Atlanta, which is located in Fulton County, has the most coronavirus cases in Georgia. In addition, reports indicate that […]