UPDATE: On July 27, 2015 the Tallahassee Democrat reported “The city of Tallahassee approved a $2.6-million settlement earlier this month. Shelley estimates a net payment of $1.5 to $1.6 million after legal costs.” The City Attorney for Tallahassee, Lew Shelley, contacted Tallahassee Reports late this afternoon and said that the net payment information reported by […]
A recent hearing before Circuit judge Angela Dempsey addressing the Killearn golf course litigation, provided some clarity on one issue, dismissed another, and relegated the final solution over “disputed issue of material fact” to another day. Judge Dempsey ruled that if it is determined that the owner of the golf course triggers or has triggered […]
At the July meeting of the City’s Ethics Board, the General Counsel position was filled by a lawyer who is employed by a law firm that has been awarded contracts by the City Commission totaling approximately $800,000. The action, initiated by Chair Lila Jaber, is raising questions about the independence of the Board, which was established […]
Following a national trend, existing home sales in Leon county surged in June. Reports indicate there were 349 single-family home sales in June for an average price of $216,622. The average monthly sales of single-family homes over the previous 12-months was 223. At the national level, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) reported that “existing-home […]
If your daily travels have taken you up and down North Monroe street over the last six months, you no doubt have noticed the activities taking place with the redevelopment of the Tallahassee Mall. However, as of late, a new structure is rising up and is helping to redefine the skyline in that area of […]
The latest state of Florida employment data was released on Friday and for the eighth consecutive month Leon county has loss jobs. However, unlike last month, this month’s loss of 321 jobs follows a statewide trend of job losses. At the state level, Florida lost 79,000 jobs in June after adding 43,000 jobs in May. […]
The story of Jeb Bush versus Marco Rubio in the Sunshine State, new presidential campaign finance reports show, is a tale of two cities. First, look to Tallahassee to see which 2016 candidate the GOP establishment favors: Former Gov. Bush, whose onetime aides, advisers and operatives dominate the lobbying corps centered in the Florida capital, […]
The recent secretly recorded video of a Planned Parenthood official discussing the different uses of fetal tissue generated a number of news reports and editorials from across the nation. Here are a few from across the spectrum. Video Accuses Planned Parenthood of a Crime – NY Times Abortion opponents on Tuesday renewed their campaign against Planned Parenthood, with immediate […]
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — If Hillary Clinton is worried about liberal challenger Bernie Sanders, she didn’t let it show here on Friday night at the party’s first cattle call event, which saw Democrats’ quintet of presidential candidates finally descend on the same place at the same time. As expected, at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Hall […]
Current Superintendent Jackie Pons has told Tallahassee Reports he will file to run for re-election at the end of this month or the first week in August. “I look forward to talking about the positive things with our school district and my leadership. We have one of the highest performing school districts in the state […]