The chart below shows the average number of days a Tallahassee single family home has on the market (DOM) before selling for each month over the last 37 months. The DOM has been consistently declining since a high of 82 days was reported in November, 2018. The DOM reached a low of 22 in July […]
The table below lists the most recent single family home sales in the Killearn Acres neighborhood. The sales information is from the Leon County Property Appraiser. Killearn Acres is located just north of Killearn Estates in NE Tallahassee. The neighborhood is known for streets being named after thoroughbred race horses. The table below list 15 […]
Sales of existing single-family homes in Leon county were slightly down when compared to numbers sold in the same month one year ago. There were 314 single-family home resales in September 2020 and 313 resales in September 2021. Last month there were 357 existing single-family homes sold. The average sales price in September 2021 increased […]
The latest information from the Tallahassee International Airport shows passenger traffic increased 138.3% in September when compared to traffic one year ago. The number of passengers was up from 25,643 during September 2020 to 61,095 this year. The 138.3% increase this month is relative to September 2020 traffic when air travel was still feeling the […]
The latest jobs report shows that there were 152,390 people working in Leon County in September, which is 3,490 more than last month’s revised employment number. The September unemployment rate came in at 4.0%, down from the 4.7% reported last month. One year ago the September, 2020 unemployment rate was 5.6%. In September, 2019 the […]
Sales of existing single-family homes in Leon county were up 16.3% when compared to numbers sold in the same month one year ago. There were 307 single-family home resales in August 2020 and 357 resales in August 2021. Last month there were 394 existing single-family homes sold. The average sales price in August 2021 increased […]
The latest information from the Tallahassee International Airport shows passenger traffic increased 289.4% in July when compared to traffic one year ago. The number of passengers was up from 22,015 during July 2020 to 63,869 this year. The 289.4% increase this month is relative to July 2020 traffic when air travel was feeling the full […]
The latest jobs report shows that there were 148,621 people working in Leon County in August, which is 346 less than last month’s revised employment number. The August unemployment rate came in at 4.7%, down from the 5.0% reported last month. The drop was due to 920 people leaving the workforce since last month. One […]
Sales of existing single-family homes in Leon county were up 24.3% when compared to numbers sold in the same month one year ago. There were 317 single-family home resales in July 2020 and 394 resales in July 2021. Last month there were 396 existing single-family homes sold. The average sales price in July 2021 increased […]
The latest jobs report shows that there were 148,919 people working in Leon County in July, which is 707 more than last month’s revised employment number. The July unemployment rate came in at 5.0%, down from the 5.4% reported last month. One year ago the July, 2020 unemployment rate was 10.0%. In July, 2019 the […]