Comparison of Sale Price Trends Show North Florida Lagging State

Comparison of Sale Price Trends Show North Florida Lagging State

Since 2013 the single-family median sale price in the Tallahassee MSA has increased by 10%, from $170,000 to 187,000 in 2016. The Tallahassee MSA includes Leon, Jefferson, Wakulla, and Gadsden. This increase is significantly lower than the 30.5% increase reported for the state of Florida during the same time period. In 2013, the single-family median […]

Airport Traffic Continues to Climb in March

Airport Traffic Continues to Climb in March

Since June of last year, the number of passengers moving through the Tallahassee International Airport has been on the increase. The latest information for March 2017 shows another increase in air travelers. The numbers show passenger traffic increased in March when compared to March traffic in 2016. The numbers for March 2017 show a 8.6% increase […]

Plan Slated to Bring Solar Power to City of Tallahassee Utilities Customers

Plan Slated to Bring Solar Power to City of Tallahassee Utilities Customers

TALLAHASSEE — Customers of City of Tallahassee Utilities can soon use solar power without dealing with the complications and high costs of installing rooftop solar panels on their individual buildings, if a proposed plan is adopted by city commissioners. There will be an open enrollment period for customers wanting to subscribe to the proposed city […]

City Commission Votes for Killearn Redevelopment Proposal

City Commission Votes for Killearn Redevelopment Proposal

After a contentious two years, the City Commission went against the Planning Commission recommendation and voted 5-0 to approve a rezoning application that will facilitate a proposed redevelopment on a portion of the “North Nine” holes of the Killearn Country Club. The end product was very different than the original proposal pushed by Barton Tuck, […]

Leon County Jobs Rebound in February

Leon County Jobs Rebound in February

The State of Florida employment report for February shows that Leon County added 2,951 jobs over the number jobs of reported last month.  This month’s gain follows three months of job losses. These job trends are consistent with seasonal variations. In February 2016, Leon county added 2,640 jobs. The unemployment rate decreased from 5.1% in […]

Killearn Homeowners Association Signs Agreement with Killearn Country Club Owner

Killearn Homeowners Association Signs Agreement with Killearn Country Club Owner

Through a press release the Killearn Homes Association (KHA) has announced it has approved a settlement agreement with Killearn Country Club (KCC). KHA states “the agreement results in preserving Killearn Estates as a golf course community” and “prevents the remaining 18 holes of KCC from being redeveloped into residential lots for a minimum of fifty […]

Single-Family New Construction Down in February

Single-Family New Construction Down in February

The latest information for single-family new construction permits shows that the number of permits and the annual dollar value of permits was down in February 2017 when compared to one year a ago. The table below shows the number of permits fell 22% and the value permits declined 29% in February 2017. The annualized information […]

Report Shows Leon Population Growth Ranks Near Bottom of Florida’s Large Counties

Report Shows Leon Population Growth Ranks Near Bottom of Florida’s Large Counties

Population estimates released by the US Census Bureau shows that from 2010-2016 Leon county’s population growth ranked 32nd when compared to Florida’s 33 largest Florida counties. Large counties were defined as having populations over 100,000. Leon county’s population growth came in at 4.5% over the six year period, for an average annual growth rate of […]

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