The State of Florida employment report for March shows that Leon County added 618 jobs. This is the second consecutive month that Leon County has added jobs. Despite adding jobs, the unemployment rate actually increased from 4.2% to 4.3%. This was due to an increase in people looking for jobs. The employment trend to start […]
On Wednesday, at the City of Tallahassee budget workshop, City Commissioner Curtis Richardson asked the City staff if businesses were leaving the City of Tallahassee. Newly appointed City Manager Rick Fernandez answered the question quickly by saying “we have not seen an exodus of small businesses, obviously.” However, TR requested the number of City registered […]
A report published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics in March of this year, shows that the weekly wage in Leon County for 2015 was $795. Leon County ranked 13th among the twenty-three largest counties in Florida. Leon County’s weekly wage translates into an annual wage of approximately $41,340. Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties […]
Former Mayor Penny Herman, a member of the Citizens for Responsible Spending (CRS) group, cited a Federal report on job growth as support for the roll back of the 13% increase in property taxes put in place by the City Commission in 2015. She appeared on WFSU’s Perspectives show Thursday, April 7th with CRS member and […]
The latest passenger numbers for the Tallahassee International Airport (TIA) shows passenger traffic for February of this year was essentially equal to February’s traffic in 2015. The numbers for February, 2016 show a .2% increase in passenger traffic from February, 2015. The number of passengers increased from 50,491 during last February to 50,572 this year. […]
February numbers for single-family home resales show that the annual-rate of sales is holding steady on Leon County. There were 2,855 single-family units sold over the previous twelve months. As the chart below indicates, resales crossed the 2,800 unit threshold last July and has held steady since that time. As we have previously reported, there have been […]
The State of Florida employment reports for February were released today and show that Leon County added 1,800 jobs. The unemployment rate fell to 4.2%. and approximately 142,892 people were working. This positive jobs report follows a positive report on single-family new construction trends in Leon County which can be viewed here. Last February, Leon County […]
The latest available numbers show that the value of single-family new construction permits issued in January and February of 2016, increased approximately 22% over the value of such permits issued during the same time period in 2015. Last year, in January and February, approximately $16.8 million in permits were issued for 74 single-family new construction projects. […]
DOMI Ventures LLC, which is the owner of DOMI Station, a local business incubator, is seeking $25,000 from the City of Tallahassee to sponsor start-up businesses. The issue is scheduled to be voted on at the next City Commission meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Based on the documents provided, the […]
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the United States economy added 172,000 jobs in January and the unemployment rate fell to 4.9%. But for Florida and Leon County, the numbers went the other way. At the state level, full time jobs decreased by 23,000 while the unemployment rate ticked up to 5.1% in January, […]