There’s a New Sheriff in Town

There’s a New Sheriff in Town

TALLAHASSEE – Although he won’t be sworn in until January 3, Sheriff-elect Walt McNeil is already taking steps to implement his vision for the Leon County Sheriff’s office. “I’m in and out of there now,” said McNeil, “beginning at 5 a.m., in meetings throughout the day.” He said he’s meeting with deputies, staff and other […]

Mayor Gillum Ignores Campaign Pledge, Receives over $200K in Annual Salary

Mayor Gillum Ignores Campaign Pledge, Receives over $200K in Annual Salary

Records released last week shows that Mayor Andrew Gillum has ignored a pledge he made during his campaign for Mayor to cut his salary from his full-time job at the People for American Way Foundation. During Gillum’s run for Mayor of Tallahassee in June 2014, Andy Alcock, then an investigative reporter for WCTV, asked Gillum […]

UPDATED: Judge Charles Dodson Steps Down from Jackson-Maddox Case, Judge Gievers to Take Over

UPDATED: Judge Charles Dodson Steps Down from Jackson-Maddox Case, Judge Gievers to Take Over

UPDATED Chief Judge Jonathan Sjostrom announced today that  Circuit Court Judge Karen Gievers will replace Judge Charles Dodson in the case addressing the residency of City Commissioner Scott Maddox. Judge Gievers was first elected on November 2, 2010. Gievers was up for re-election in 2016. However, no other candidates filed to run and Gievers was […]

City Commissioner Richardson Advocates for Neighborhoods

City Commissioner Richardson Advocates for Neighborhoods

TALLAHASSEE — During the Oct. 26 City Commission meeting, a lone representative voted against a proposed development impacting the Myers Park neighborhood. Commissioner Curtis Richardson said his advocating on behalf of neighborhoods is nothing new. Richardson voted against his fellow commissioners on a proposal to redevelop approximately ten acres owned by the city of Tallahassee […]

Rocky Hanna Hits Ground Running

Rocky Hanna Hits Ground Running

TALLAHASSEE —  Rocky Hanna expects his first day as Leon County School Superintendent to be a lot like his first day as Leon High School principal, just on a larger scale. “I expect I’ll be putting out fires and working toward the future,” he said. He won’t be sworn in until November 22, but life […]

Airport Passenger Traffic Reaches New Heights

Airport Passenger Traffic Reaches New Heights

For the first time since February 2015, the annual passenger traffic at the Tallahassee International Airport surpassed 700,000. This milestone was aided by increased passenger traffic in October. The latest numbers for the Tallahassee International Airport (TIA) show passenger traffic increased in October when compared to October traffic in 2015. The numbers for October 2016 show […]

Trump Carried One of Five Leon County Voting Districts

Trump Carried One of Five Leon County Voting Districts

With the presidential election behind us, the number crunching across the country begins. TR has tabulated the votes in each of the five Leon County voting districts for the presidential race that featured Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and the US Senate race between Marco Rubio and Patrick Murphy. The tabulation is shown in the […]