Edison Owners Fail to Include Investors on State Beverage License Application

Edison Owners Fail to Include Investors on State Beverage License Application

Tallahassee Reports has learned that the owners of the Edison Restaurant in Cascades Park, did not disclose investors in the Edison restaurant on the application for a beverage license, as required by Florida state law. Cascade Holdings, LLC, doing business as The Edison, filed for a Florida state beverage license on September 2, 2015. The […]

Edison Menu Features $15 Bacon Cheeseburger

Edison Menu Features $15 Bacon Cheeseburger

The old City electric building, located in Cascades Park,  has successfully been transformed into the Edison restaurant, which offers patrons great views and a unique atmosphere. However, if you are out in Cascades Park with your family and you decided to stop in and eat lunch, be prepared to pay some of the highest prices […]

Decision by City Ethics Officer Raises Questions

Decision by City Ethics Officer Raises Questions

The City’s independent ethics board is experiencing growing pains. The recent announcement of Chair Lila Jaber’s  resignation after revelations of possible conflicts of interest with her law firm and the board’s controversial hiring of Julie Meadows-Keefe as the Board’s Ethic’s officer, has raised the level of scrutiny of the Board. And now, as ethics complaints […]

Killearn Country Club Owner Moves Forward Despite Court Orders

Killearn Country Club Owner Moves Forward Despite Court Orders

The redevelopment efforts of Barton Tuck, the current owner of the Killearn Country Club, is spiraling into controversy. Tuck’s recent decision to close the north nine holes has increased the urgency for all those with a vested interest. It now appears Mr. Tuck, and his legal team, have lost their patience with the court system and […]

Hospitality and State Government Jobs Fuel September Employment Growth

Hospitality and State Government Jobs Fuel September Employment Growth

The recent surge in Leon county employment was welcome news given the recent losses in jobs. We reported earlier this week that Leon county added just over 4,000 jobs in September.  See report here. A new report provided by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity gives an indication of what type of jobs were created […]

Edison Owner Resigns from City Board

Edison Owner Resigns from City Board

Today, Tallahassee Reports was notified that Adam Corey has resigned his position on the Tallahassee Housing Authority (THA) board. On September 9th Tallahassee Reports published an article detailing relationships between the Gunster Law Firm and the City of Tallahassee. The report addressed potential conflicts between Lila Jaber, the Chairman of the City’s Ethics Board and […]

Leon County Employment Surges, 4,141 Jobs Added in September

Leon County Employment Surges, 4,141 Jobs Added in September

Consistent with previous years, Leon county employment surged in September. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity reported that Leon county added 4,141 jobs. That is a three percent increase over the number of jobs reported in August. At the state level, Florida added 67,000 jobs which is less than a 1% increase over the number […]