BREAKING NEWS: Leon County Employment Continues Downward Slide

BREAKING NEWS: Leon County Employment Continues Downward Slide

The latest state of Florida employment data was released on Friday and for the eighth consecutive month Leon county has loss jobs. However, unlike last month, this month’s loss of 321 jobs follows a statewide trend of job losses. At the state level, Florida lost 79,000 jobs in June after adding 43,000 jobs in May. […]

Mayor’s Office Seeks Increases in Salaries, Health Benefits & Contract Services

Mayor’s Office Seeks Increases in Salaries, Health Benefits & Contract Services

Tallahassee Reports recently posted a story on the 21% increase in spending requested by Mayor Gillum’s office in the proposed 2016 City of Tallahassee budget. The full story, with video from the budget workshop where City Commissioner Scott Maddox asked about the increase, can be seen here. Now we have more details about the increase. Tallahassee Reports […]

The Police Union Responds to Democrat Editorial, City Budget Numbers

The Police Union Responds to Democrat Editorial, City Budget Numbers

In an exclusive interview with Tallahassee Reports, Steven Slade, the President of the Big Bend Chapter of the Florida PBA, voiced his frustration with City officials and their portrayal of the property tax increase in the local media. On Sunday the Tallahassee Democrat published an editorial asking the City to reconsider the proposed property tax […]

City Chose Pay Raises When Others Tightened Their Belts

City Chose Pay Raises When Others Tightened Their Belts

When City Manager Anita Favors released her proposed budget last month for FY 2016, which includes a 27% increase in property taxes, her press release called the proposal a “public safety budget.” The press release detailed the increase in positions for public safety and also mentioned the $500,000 allocated for street resurfacing. However, one item […]

City Commissioners Get Input at Town Hall on Budget

City Commissioners Get Input at Town Hall on Budget

Approximately 95 citizens attended the Town Hall meeting sponsored by Tallahassee Reports last Thursday to address the City’s proposed 27% increase in property taxes. The meeting was held at the Killearn Country Club. The Town Hall was held so that City Commissioners could provide information and take questions about the proposed tax increase. City Commissioners […]