Tallahassee Reports has learned that local public relations expert, campaign consultant, and lobbyist Gary Yordon has recently registered with the City of Tallahassee to represent the interests of city vendor Honeywell. The registration, which was filed on June 16, 2017, states that Yordon will be lobbying on energy and performance contracting issues for Honeywell. A […]
Tallahassee Reports has learned a public safety update to be provided to the City Commission by Chief DeLeo on September 27th will show that through July 2017, there has been a 6.3% increase in violent crime when compared to 2016. The report also shows a 15% decrease in property crime in 2017, when compared to […]
The City of Tallahassee was served with another federal subpoena by the US District Court dated September 6th, 2017. The subpoena asked for more information related to the FBI corruption investigation. However, even though City Commissioner Nancy Miller was made aware of the subpoena days after it arrived at city hall, the public was not informed […]
At the City Commission meeting addressing the FY2018 budget, the city staff stated to City Commissioners and the public that the property tax rate will remain at 4.1% and operating costs will be held at 2017 levels or, for enterprise funds, adjusted by CPI per rate study assumptions. However, despite these actions, an analysis (shown […]
Two years after Leon County government chose to defer a City of Tallahassee initiated fire service fee increase, Leon county residents now will begin paying a higher rate during fiscal year 2018 which begins on October 1, 2017. The increase will be approximately 15% for most residential customers. Back in 2015, the City of Tallahassee […]
Tallahassee Reports has learned that the City of Tallahassee’s Treasure-Clerk office is pursuing the refinancing of utility debt that will save approximately $2.2 million in annual debt service for the next 20 years. The City Commission is scheduled to hear about the issue on Wednesday, September 13th. However, there is no indication the savings will […]
Below is the statement released by the Coalition for Ethics Reform in response to the threatening letter sent by City Manager Rick Fernandez’s attorney to the City’s Independent Ethics Board __________________ The Coalition for Ethics Reform is outraged that, through his attorney, City Manager Fernandez has demanded an apology from Tallahassee’s independent ethics board over […]
City Manager Rick Fernandez, in a letter through his attorney, threatened individual members of the City’s Independent Ethics Board with possible legal action weeks after the Board voted to send a complaint to the Florida Commission on Ethics. The letter was first reported on by the Tallahassee Democrat. The complaint addressed a transaction between a […]
Tallahassee Reports has learned that the City of Tallahassee is projecting rate increases for city water customers and solid waste services in 2018. For city water customers, a preliminary analysis indicates that the rate impact for residential water and sewer customers beginning in 2018 will be approximately $3.00 per month or $36.00 per year. Small […]
Jamie Van Pelt, a spokesman for Mayor Gillum, said on Gillum’s recent trip to Tampa: “The mayor was invited by Peter Leach to a meeting at his office to learn about some of the work he was doing to advance wrap-around social services in schools and housing developments.” However, in an email recovered by Tallahassee […]