Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil updated the Leon County Commission (LCC) on several law enforcement issues at the Tuesday meeting. McNeil told the LCC that from January 2021 to May 2021 violent crime in Leon County is down by 33%, rape is down by 37%, and robberies have stayed about the same when compared to […]
The Leon County Commission met June 8, 2021. Provided below are notes from the meeting with links to additional information. Sheriff Walt McNeil addressed a number of law enforcement issues at the Leon County Commission meeting on Tuesday evening. He told elected leaders that that from January 2021 to May 2021 violent crime in Leon […]
On Tuesday June 8th, the Leon County Commission will vote on an agreement between the Leon County and the Children’s Services Council (CSC) which will provide the CSC a $400,000 loan for their initial year of operation. If the loan is granted, the CSC will repay the funds in full with interest by the end […]
During this Tuesday’s meeting, the Leon County Commission is set to vote on safety enhancements to the section of Meridian Road between Gardner Road and Summerbrooke Drive. The enhancements are estimated to have a fiscal impact of $6,000 and will be procured from existing funds under the road maintenance budget. The recommendations for the […]
The Leon County Commission voted unanamously to adopt a resolution proposed by the adoption of an Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) resolution condemning hate and extremism at the June 8th meeting. Responding to concerns that the resolution does not address hate related to Christianity, County Commissioner Kristen Dozier said she believed that the resolution covers all religions. […]
Tomorrow the Leon County Commission will consider a $57 million spending plan related to funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARP). According to Leon County staff, the ARP builds upon the COVID-19 economic relief legislation enacted by Congress over the past year in providing direct financial support to address the continuing impacts of the COVID-19 […]
The Leon County Commission voted unanimously to direct the County Administrator to implement Phase 3 of the Leon County COVID-19 Response and Re-opening Plan and to schedule the first and only public hearing to consider the repeal of the mask mandate ordinance on June 8. During the discussion, Leon County Commissioner Kristen Dozier voiced concerns […]
At today’s Leon County Commission meeting, elected officials voted to make Election Day a paid holiday for all county employees. The proposal is estimated to have a fiscal impact of $18,560 in holiday pay, which County staff reports can be paid for from existing personnel budgets. At the April 13, 2021 meeting, the Board directed […]
During the next Leon County Commissioners meeting, the Board will consider the request to schedule a workshop with the City of Tallahassee to discuss the homelessness issue. The Board will also consider scheduling a separate workshop on affordable housing. This consideration comes after Tallahassee City Commissioners voted to delay a meeting with the County in […]
Due to Governor Ron DeSantis’ emergency order signed on Monday, Leon County government released a statement that says the mask ordinance is no longer in effect. The full press release is provided below. “The vaccines are working, but Florida hasn’t yet reached herd immunity and our state is still the nation’s #1 hotspot for B.1.1.7, […]