County Commissioners to Vote on Policy Change for Recruiting County Administrator and County Attorney

County Commissioners to Vote on Policy Change for Recruiting County Administrator and County Attorney

The Leon County Commissioners will vote on adopting a new policy for recruiting the County Administrator and County Attorney at their June 16 meeting. The County Commissioners are responsible for selecting a County Administrator and a County Attorney under the Leon County Home Rule Charter and the Leon County Code of Laws, but the recruitment […]

Leon County Commissioners Discuss Phased Reopening Plan

Leon County Commissioners Discuss Phased Reopening Plan

At their special COVID-19 response meeting on Thursday, the Leon County Commissioners reviewed a presentation on Leon County’s three-phase reopening plan. Earlier this week, Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-123, outlining Florida’s statewide reopening plan and initiating phase one. Leon County’s plan reflects the executive order as well as state and federal guidelines. In […]

As Washington Square Site is Demobilized, County Commission to Receive Status Update

As Washington Square Site is Demobilized, County Commission to Receive Status Update

The Leon County Commissioners will review a status report on the Washington Square development at their May 12 meeting. The project has been stalled since mid-2019, and cranes at the construction site started coming down last week. Back in March, Fairmont Development, the project’s developer, terminated its contract with Yates Construction, the project’s primary contractor. […]

Leon County to Host 2022 NJCAA Cross-Country Championships at Apalachee Regional Park

Leon County to Host 2022 NJCAA Cross-Country Championships at Apalachee Regional Park

Leon County is slated to host the 2022 National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Division I and Division II Cross-Country Championships. The event will be held at the Apalachee Regional Park. According to a press release, the championships were last held in Leon County in 1973 at the Florida State University Seminole Golf Course. The […]

Leon County Approves $1.67 Million in Discretionary Spending

Leon County Approves $1.67 Million in Discretionary Spending

During the Tuesday March 10th Leon County Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Board approved FY2021 discretionary funding spending in the amount of $1,669,500. The FY2021 funding is a 10.3% ($155,500) increase over the $1,514,000 level of discretionary funding approved in FY2020. The approved spending impacts funding levels for the Community Human Services Partnership (CHSP), […]

Leon County Breaks Ground on Improvements to Apalachee Regional Park

Leon County Breaks Ground on Improvements to Apalachee Regional Park

The $3 million dollar improvements on the County’s Apalachee Regional Park began this past Friday. The new construction will include a “state-of-the-art multipurpose building” and restrooms, a performance stage, sidewalks, areas to view the local wildlife, and a new structure for a permanent finish line. The new construction continues to build upon the Board’s Quality […]

FDLE, LCSO Unveil Nation’s First Automated Rapid DNA Collection

FDLE, LCSO Unveil Nation’s First Automated Rapid DNA Collection

Leon County Sheriff’s office has recently announced they are working with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in implementing the nation’s first automated Rapid DNA process. This new collection process is being used in the Leon County Detention Facility and will allow for law enforcement to gain access quickly to DNA samples in the FBI’s […]

Leon County Commission Approves Five-Year Agreement with COCA

Leon County Commission Approves Five-Year Agreement with COCA

During the February 25th Leon County Board of County Commissioners meeting the Board approved a five-year contract with the Council on Culture and Arts (COCA). Moving forward, the five-year agreement will continue the “same operational and programmatic” FY2020 funding formula. COCA will continue to receive once-cent of TDT revenue as well as $150,000 in general […]

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