TPD Incidents Trending Down

TPD Incidents Trending Down

Based on information provided by TPD, the number of reported incidents in the City of Tallahassee have been on the decline over the last five months. The chart below shows that the number of incidents have been trending down since October. The number of reported incidents fell from 388 in October to 358 in November. […]

FDLE, LCSO Unveil Nation’s First Automated Rapid DNA Collection

FDLE, LCSO Unveil Nation’s First Automated Rapid DNA Collection

Leon County Sheriff’s office has recently announced they are working with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in implementing the nation’s first automated Rapid DNA process. This new collection process is being used in the Leon County Detention Facility and will allow for law enforcement to gain access quickly to DNA samples in the FBI’s […]

City Commissioner Matlow Endorses Bernie Sanders

City Commissioner Matlow Endorses Bernie Sanders

On Monday, City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow announced his endorsement of Bernie Sanders. In an emailed press release, Matlow wrote, “I proudly endorse Senator Sanders because he consistently speaks to the needs of the poor and working-class in my city. He understands that when we work together in a multi-generational, multi-racial coalition we can fight back […]

Superintendent Hanna Says School Choice Policy is “Fair and Equitable to Every Resident…”

Superintendent Hanna Says School Choice Policy is “Fair and Equitable to Every Resident…”

At the last Leon County School Board meeting, a parent cited the low school grade of Astoria Park Elementary as an indication of a “low performing” school. She was upset that she could not school choice out of the school she was zoned for. Following the parents comments, Superintendent Hanna discussed the current LCS school […]

City Commissioners Discuss Legislative Affairs Update

City Commissioners Discuss Legislative Affairs Update

The City Commissioners discussed an update on the City’s state and federal legislative affairs at their February 26 meeting. The 2020 legislative session began on January 14. The City’s legislative affairs team is tasked with monitoring developments in legislation that impact the City. Staff reports that one of the major developments affecting Tallahassee is a […]

Superintendent, School Board Member Call Parent’s Comments Hogwash, Disgusting

Superintendent, School Board Member Call Parent’s Comments Hogwash, Disgusting

Superintendent Hanna and Leon County School Board (LCSB) member Alva Striplin responded harshly to a parent’s critical assessment of Astoria Park Elementary School. The parent, who attended the February 26th LCSB meeting held at Gilchrist Elementary School, spoke during the “citizens to be heard” part of the agenda. She explained to the Board that her […]

UPDATED: Commissioners Approve Lease Agreement for TEMPO Office

UPDATED: Commissioners Approve Lease Agreement for TEMPO Office

UPDATE The City Commissioners unanimously approved a lease agreement for a TEMPO office at their February 26 meeting. The lease agreement with Town South LLC totals $21,000 per year for three years, plus a security deposit of $2049.48. The space will be used for a TEMPO engagement office offering services including voting registration, mentoring and […]

Leon County Commission Approves Five-Year Agreement with COCA

Leon County Commission Approves Five-Year Agreement with COCA

During the February 25th Leon County Board of County Commissioners meeting the Board approved a five-year contract with the Council on Culture and Arts (COCA). Moving forward, the five-year agreement will continue the “same operational and programmatic” FY2020 funding formula. COCA will continue to receive once-cent of TDT revenue as well as $150,000 in general […]