When Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum turns his attention to his mayoral duties at the September 12th Tallahassee City Commission, he will be faced with a vote to extend a contract that will financial benefit one of his Costa Rica travel companions- Sean Pittman
Interestingly, the item listed on the city agenda, which addresses the city’s state lobbyist contract, was originated from Gillum’s office.
In fact, Mayor Gillum’s office is recommending the city commission “approve the award of a one-year contract extension for State General Lobbying Services to Ronald Book P.A..”
In September 2016, Gillum recommended a contract extension to the the highest bidder, Ronald Book P.A.
Pittman has been a part of the Ronald Book P.A. city of Tallahassee lobbying team for years.
Also, Pittman is a personal friend and frequent travel companion of Gillum, a campaign donor, and a city vendor.
Tallahassee Reports was the first to document a controversial trip by newly elected Mayor Gillum to Pittsburgh which included Pittman, Adam Corey and Dustin Daniels.
More recently, media reports have documented a Gillum’s trip to Costa Rica which, again, included Pittman and Corey. At the time, both Pittman and Corey where city of Tallahassee vendors.
Also, Gillum has not been able to provide documents verifying his payment explanation for his accommodations while in Costa Rica. In fact, Mr. Corey –through his attorney – has disputed Gillum’s explanation.
Have the FBI and the state ethics board created a perjury trap for Gillum?
I have also seen Sean Pittman and the Mayor drink a grape soda together, eat a hamburger…. We must stop this high level corruption!
… and probably using the city credit card to pay for it…
Amazed that from out of no where Gillum “..wins..” the Democratic primary for governor against … People not under federal investigation while running a campaign based upon the now popular “democratic-socialist principle”, hate Trump and be non-white..
The media is unwilling to ask Gillum tough questions in public. The media appears to allow Gillum to be evasive and off topic as part of the support model.
Just we are clear…. Gillum IS under federal investigation, has never explained HOW he will implement, or finance his agenda, and hating Trump means something…
There actually was a time when journalism was active in this country
Out of nowhere? He claimed he would make a good showing on election day, and he did. Sounds very much like the president in so many ways. Underdog who won. Under investigation during election and still wins. Here’s hoping Gillum can pull a Trump.
I wonder if any undercover FBI agents will be at the Commission meeting…..
Once this gillum-sponsored agenda item comes up at the meeting, any bets on how many seconds before our unquestionably ethical and upstanding city commissioners give their rubber-stamp approval?
Who has all the receipts from the trip to Philadelphia made by Gillum, Pittman, and Dustin Daniels?
I believe the last time this contract went out to bid City staff rated another lobbyist higher yet the powers that be manipulated it and awarded it to Book and Pittman instead. Again, this contract should go out for bid! It is time to take Sean Pittman off the city payroll.
Just because a did goes out does not mean a fair rendering of the results. Everything from landscaping services to lobbying services, if you don’t fall in with the crooked bunch, you can forget it. Sad thing is everyone knows it but won’t step forward because of the crumbs they may receive from time to time.
Just because a bid goes out does not mean a fair rendering of the results. Everything from landscaping services to lobbying services, if you don’t fall in with the crooked bunch, you can forget it. Sad thing is everyone knows it but won’t step forward because of the crumbs they may receive from time to time.
He may following in the footsteps of another former mayor and FAMU attendee, Kwame Kilpatrick.
… Put this contract out on a new bid proposal.