Leon County State Lobbyist Seeks Increase in Fees, Cites City’s High Spending

Leon County State Lobbyist Seeks Increase in Fees, Cites City’s High Spending

The City of Tallahassee’s comparatively high spending on state lobbying is being cited by lobbyists representing Leon County government as a justification for a pay raise. Capitol Alliance Group has been the County’s state lobbyist since 2008 and is now seeking a $20,000 increase in their annual contract which expires in September. The current contract […]

Are Sandy White Beaches Coming to Tallahassee?…..Maybe

Are Sandy White Beaches Coming to Tallahassee?…..Maybe

So you say you can’t bring the beach to Tallahassee? Don’t tell that to Crystal Lagoons. Based on their website, Crystal Lagoons is an international company with offices around the world that has developed and patented a state-of-the-art technology which allows building and maintaining crystal clear lagoons worldwide at very low costs, offering idyllic beach […]

Leon County Schools Responds to Federal Government Directive on Transgender Issues

Leon County Schools Responds to Federal Government Directive on Transgender Issues

On Monday, Kathleen L. Rodgers,  the Divisional Director Intervention, Equity and Support Services for Leon County Schools, sent an email to all principals and School Board leadership addressing the directive from the Federal government that summarizes a school’s Title IX obligations regarding transgender students. This was first reported on the Morning Show with Preston Scott, WFLA 100.7. […]

CRTPA Votes To Kill “Killearn Corridor”

CRTPA Votes To Kill “Killearn Corridor”

A week after TR broke a story about a proposal to build a four-lane road that would run through Killearn Estates, the proposal appears dead. At today’s CRTPA meeting, the “Killearn Corridor” option for relieving traffic congestion on Thomasville Road and I-10 was ruled out in a unanimous vote of the Agency. The vote took place […]

City Ethics Board Investigates Lightsey Pension Payment

City Ethics Board Investigates Lightsey Pension Payment

TR has learned that the City of Tallahassee’s Independent Ethics Board has begun an investigation into the pension payments being made to former City Commissioner Debbie Lightsey. The Executive Director of the Ethics Board, Julie Meadows-Keefe, provides a status of complaints and investigations each month. This months report, which is part of the agenda to […]

Killearn Homes Association Responds to “Killearn Corridor” Proposal

Killearn Homes Association Responds to “Killearn Corridor” Proposal

TR has learned that the Killearn Homes Association (KHA) has sent a letter to all elected officials on the City and County Commissions and to the Chair of the Capital Regional Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) raising concerns about the “Killearn Corridor” proposal. The letter was signed by KHA President and former City Commissioner John Paul […]

Elected Officials to Hear About “Killearn Corridor” in Study Update

Elected Officials to Hear About “Killearn Corridor” in Study Update

On May 16th, the members of the Capital Regional Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) will get an update on the Thomasville Road Planning Study. The purpose of the study is to evaluate additional highway capacity alternatives to relieve current and anticipated congestion along the Thomasville Road/Capital Circle Northeast corridor. The update will include a discussion about […]

TIA Passenger Traffic Declines in March

TIA Passenger Traffic Declines in March

The latest numbers for the Tallahassee International Airport (TIA) show passenger traffic declined in March of this year when compared to March’s traffic in 2015. The numbers for March 2016 show a 7.4% decrease in passenger traffic.  The number of passengers decreased from 63,487 during last March to 58,785 this year. These number follow a modest increase […]